Nature Home and Art World Play Brand New Marketing

On October 1, 2020, the Art Gallery, which was initiated by the family and designed by Tadao Ando, was open for public reservation. Nature Home is the official partner of "World scenery-and art museum opening exhibition. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the "world scenery-and art museum opening exhibition" originally scheduled to open on March 20 this year is now adjusted to two stages: "Start Exhibition" and "official exhibition. "Launch exhibition" can be regarded as the warm-up preparation for the official opening exhibition, which is still arranged in three units: experience everything, "only" material development doctrine and human canteen.


And Art Gallery building facade©And Art Gallery

(Image Source: Nature floor, invasion and deletion)


and art gallery uses nature three-layer solid wood floor oak-snow treading, paving reality images©And Art Gallery

(Image Source: Nature floor, invasion and deletion)

the construction area of the Art Gallery is about 16000 square meters, of which the exhibition hall is about 8,000 square meters. The concept of "harmony" in the name of the art gallery represents the core philosophy and architectural style of the Art Gallery.

This architectural design is the challenge of Tadao Ando to "dynamic geometry": the first fair-faced concrete double spiral staircase will become the focus of world attention, from the overall design to the detailed process of architecture, they are all presented with diversified "circles". "different circles" extend outward layer by layer, which makes the building full of tension and sense of law and seeks dynamic balance in the stable structure.


And Art Gallery building facade©And Art Gallery

(Image Source: Nature floor, invasion and deletion)

the museum aims to create a high-quality art collection, exhibition, research, education and communication platform for local audiences and a wide range of art lovers, so as to stimulate inspiring thinking on modern and contemporary art, promote international exchanges and cooperation in different fields and tap the multi-cultural value.

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(Article Source: Nature floor, invasion and deletion)