Fu Senmei Released the Culture and Art Industry Strategy "Fuson Art Museum" Simultaneous Opening

On October 7, Chengdu fusenmei home furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "fusenmei") officially released the "Culture and Art Industry Strategy" in Chengdu ", the newly created" Fuson art gallery "of the company was unveiled simultaneously with the first batch of 50 ARTLIFE proposal stores. This marks that Fu Senmei officially started on the new track of culture and art industry, moving towards the goal of "home art space" Trinity, from home products to lifestyle solutions.


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

according to reports, Fu Senmei empowers commerce with art and promotes the combination of home furnishing industry and art industry. The company's strategy is to access the vast home furnishing art market. Facing today's new consumption, new people, new scenes and new retail, the company actively explores a new mode of deep integration of art and home scenes with innovation. The relevant person in charge of fusonmei said that in the future, the company will also provide scene-based display for more works of art, which will also improve the artistic atmosphere of home scenes and further narrow the relationship between art and life.

The reporter of Securities Daily noticed that fusonmei has explored new business models in recent years and extended the industrial chain with platform strategy. In 2019, the company upgraded the "platform strategy" and constructed the "fusonmei platform" to connect manufacturers, customers, commodities and various resources, promoting business development through platform operation, including store transformation, industrial chain integration, merchant empowerment, omni-channel operation and other measures. Haitong Securities said in the research report a few days ago that fusonmei grew steadily and returned well. It gave the company a 20-25 times price-earnings ratio valuation of its parent net profit in 2021, with a reasonable market value range of 16.3 billion yuan to 20.3 billion yuan, and for the first time, the investment rating of "better than the big market" was given.

(Article Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)