Vietnam's Timber Exports Hit a New High and Will Reach 12.5 Billion Dollars next Year.

Yuetong Pingding province-Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development jointly held a meeting with Vietnam timber and Forest Products Association and Pingding Provincial Forest Products Association on September 25. At the meeting, he Gongjun, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, believed that the signing of the free trade agreement (EVFTA) between Vietnam and the European Union brought huge advantages to the export activities of Vietnam's timber industry.

Under the new coronavirus epidemic, all industries must make adjustments. Vice minister he Gongjun believes that the epidemic has enabled Vietnamese timber enterprises to adjust their management methods so as to promote the development of enterprises.


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

according to statistics from the General Administration of Forestry, in the first nine months of this year, the export value of Vietnam's timber and forest products reached about 8.97 billion US dollars, up 12% year on year. It is estimated that Vietnam's exports of wood products and forest products will exceed US $12.5 billion in 2020, up 18% year on year. The main export markets of Vietnamese timber enterprises are America, Japan, China, EU and South Korea. Despite the severe impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the export activities of Vietnam's timber industry still achieved breakthroughs by virtue of various free trade agreements.

Experts believe that if Vietnam's timber industry can seize opportunities, make full use of the opportunities brought by EVFTA, and formulate reasonable development strategies at the same time, Vietnam's timber industry will have an advantage in the international market.

(Article Source: Yuetong, invasion and deletion)