What Is the Situation of the 11 Th Golden Week of This Year in Red Star Macalline, Elegant Home, and Fu Senmei?

In 2020, the "Eleventh" Golden Week coincided with the superposition of National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. During the eight-day long holiday, the whole country actively explored the consumption potential and organized a series of activities of "consumption promotion month; major merchants also carry out a variety of promotional activities with the theme of" Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Reunion "and so on, and issue subsidies and coupons to stimulate consumers' enthusiasm for buying. According to the data monitoring of the Ministry of Commerce, in October 1-8, the sales volume of the national retail and catering key monitoring enterprises was about 1.6 trillion yuan, and the daily average sales volume increased 4.9% compared with last year's "11" golden week.

With the gradual improvement of the epidemic, consumers' demand for decoration has also been revived. Under the double stimulation of delay and large promotion, the household consumption market ushered in a new round of blowout during the 11th of this year, E-Commerce home sector, home furnishing stores and home furnishing enterprises have all performed well.


(Image Source: Take a letter to create a new, invade and delete)

as the first eight-day long vacation after the epidemic, people's long-suppressed consumption passion was stimulated. Compared with previous years, the 11th, which was originally used as the peak season of offline channels, has developed into an all-channel carnival with the combination of offline experience and online transactions, with Jingdong, Tmall, Suning, E-commerce platforms represented by Gome and others have become one of the main channels for 11 home sales.

On October 8th, Suning Tesco released 11 consumption big data. During the eight-day long holiday, the overall passenger flow of all kinds of stores in Suning increased significantly to 58 percent, and household appliances, home decoration, mobile phones and other categories were booming, driving Suning's online orders to increase by 157 percent year-on-year. Under the preferential policies of Suning 5 billion full-product subsidies and 0.1 billion ultra-low hot-selling products, the consumption growth trend of high-end household appliances is remarkable.


According to the data, from October 1st to October 7th, new energy-efficient air conditioners were put on shelves, with sales of new first-class energy-efficient air conditioners increasing by 452 percent year-on-year; Sales of 8K Ultra-high definition televisions increased by 243 percent year-on-year, the sales volume of 70-inch and above large screens increased by 96 percent year-on-year; The sales volume of large-volume high-end smart refrigerators increased by 216 percent year-on-year, and the sales volume of washing and drying all-in-one machines increased by 225 percent year-on-year, cyber celebrity style new arrival Ronshen T-type double-door refrigerator has become the new favorite of consumers.

On October 9, the 11th consumer data released by Jingdong showed that as consumers increasingly pursue more refined consumer demands such as quality, health and safety, the turnover of small household appliances for personal care ushered in an increase of more than 40%, nano water ion hair dryer and intelligent Sonic Shaver became new favorites. During the National Day holiday, the number of views of intelligent categories increased by 200%, and the automatic fingerprint electronic attention increased by more than 100%.


In addition, the demand for home decoration continues to rise, and it is even more popular to enter the "Golden nine silver Ten". The transaction amount increased by more than 300% year on year. Driven by the rising demand for decoration, the sales of large and small household appliances ushered in an increase, eleven "Jingdong home appliances" continued benchmarking services, with a year-on-year increase of 40% for delivery, maintenance, and replacement with old ones.

The Tmall home decoration season began in September and entered a consumption climax during the 11th period. According to Alibaba's 2020 11th holiday consumption travel trend report, on October 1-3, Tmall, the turnover of online home improvement brands to offline stores increased by 50.5 percent year-on-year, of which 35 percent were new brands.

Online turnover increased strongly, and smart home decoration turnover increased significantly, with customized cloakroom turnover increasing by 2536 percent year-on-year, smart home set turnover increasing by 377 percent year-on-year, and visual doorbell turnover increasing by 1831 percent year-on-year.

Gome's "yearning for beauty more than low price" 11th promotion ended successfully recently. It is understood that during the big promotion period, high-end household appliances with fashionable appearance, energy conservation and environmental protection were favored by consumers. For example, the proportion of high-end purchase packages of clothes dryers accounted for more than 32% in Gome, and air conditioning purchase packages increased by 150%, the proportion reaches 35%;


at the same time, the demand for "lazy kitchen and bathroom" household appliances ushered in a new wave of rise during the 11th holiday. Automatic dishwasher and sweeping robot were favored by consumers, and the sales of platform dishwasher increased by 45% year-on-year.

During the 11th period, all major e-commerce platforms were filled with smoke, with numerous forms of promotion methods and various types of discount methods. Home furnishing enterprises dormant outside the platform for more than half a year also hit hard, handed over a beautiful answer sheet to the industry.

As an important window in the field of household consumption in home furnishing stores, Red Star Macalline, Ju ran home and Fu Senmei gained a lot during the 11th period. It is understood that Red Star Macalline kicked off the National Day promotion with a sales performance of 0.8 billion on the first day, in the huge private domain traffic pool of 5 million medium and high-end home improvement users, Red Star Macalline successfully reached and activated over tens of millions of accurate potential customers, and successfully locked 638000 customers.

On October 1st, Juran home opened seven stores, including Handan Fengfeng store, Chongqing Jiangjin store, Jiangxi Pingxiang Bochang shopping mall, Jiangxi Yongzhou Jianghua Jiuheng store, and the number of stores nationwide reached 406.

Fu Senmei home let art walk into home furnishing stores. On October 7, Fu Senmei's new art project [Fuson art gallery] Opened. The first batch of 50 ARTLIFE proposal stores were officially unveiled, and 7 major theme exhibitions were opened simultaneously, create a brand new home art life sample for consumers.


Traditional home building materials enterprises were also unwilling to lag behind in the 11th World War. On the evening of October 3, the EASTROC ceramic tile bathroom double-festival Shenghui theme live broadcast event ended successfully. EASTROC brand spokesperson Liu Tao, designer a Shuang and EASTROC two big BOSS sat together in the live broadcast room, bringing a practical and fruitful, more discounts for live promotions.

Sohu Focus Home learned that the live broadcast room watched 2.06 million yuan that night, and the cumulative order volume exceeded 60232 orders, exceeding the target of 50000 orders set by Gong Zhiyun, president of EASTROC Holdings, before the live broadcast.

Sterilized cupboard Kangbao Electric Appliance, a home appliance brand, specially held the "double festivals for Love" activity during the 11th period. Once the activity was launched, consumers responded positively.


It is understood that nearly 4600 families from all over the country participated in the activity held by kangbao electric appliance before and after the national day, with a sales amount of more than 15 million and nearly 2300 disinfection cabinets sent out to protect the health of more people!

During the 11th of this year, SLEEMON regional stores in all regions of the country prepared full of surprise benefits for all SLEEMON new and old fans during the "happy pink Festival" promotion. During the eight-day activity, sales reached a record high in SLEEMON, up 43% compared with the same period in 2019!

On the one hand, this activity effectively improved the influence of SLEEMON in the local market, and on the other hand, it also carried out the largest wave of brand IP activities in the year to be launched in late October. The honeymoon promotion will be carried out in advance, it radiates a large number of accurate potential customers.

(Article Source: Sohu Focus Home, invasion and deletion)