Oupai Joined Hands with the Popular Play "Born in the Sun" to Show the Warm Heart Drama in Autumn and Winter!

In the first-and second-tier city life, work pressure is high, and taking good care of yourself has become a kind of "luxury".

According to a survey report, 63.6 percent of young people have been afraid of seeing the physical examination report, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood fat, high uric acid, fatty liver, gall stones...... Young people who vaguely feel that their bodies are not as good as those who go forward are like enemies to the trivial matter of physical examination.


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

in spite of this, the anxiety brought by the "physical examination report" is only temporary. After a few days of regular life, I feel: I can do it again.

Sitting on the station for 8 hours in a row during the day and desperately occupying this real time at night, staying up late to play games and play plays, holding the mentality of "no one has a little problem", so reciprocating, vicious Circle.

Most of the time, it is very simple to defeat a person, such as a sudden serious illness.

Lost work, stranded dreams, and even life began to crumble...... Everyone doesn't think that such a small probability of bad luck will come to himself. Are you afraid to accept it or face it bravely? Is it unhappy or sunny?

At 20:00 tonight, the Cure Series "born in the Sun", which was led by Jiang Xin and Gao Weiguang and led by the European faction and accompanied by Hunan Satellite TV. It will restore a true and powerful story for you.


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

29-year-old Xiong Dun came to a big city with fierce competition because of his dream of becoming a cartoonist. After experiencing the double blow of love and career, the bad luck was not over yet, and he even learned that he suffered from tumor! From the beginning to the end of the brave face, Xiong Dun embarked on a painful but still full of joy anti-cancer journey......

As a drama version, fuck off! Tumor King, born in the Sun has no lack of audience Foundation, and at the same time, it also has a "health topic" that can arouse widespread resonance. The bravery and Lotte of the heroine "Xiong Dun, the series of" embarrassing "things experienced made people laugh and feel distressed.

Learn to love yourself in your lifetime


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

the fast-paced social life makes stress and anxiety "pervasive" in family relations, work, health and other issues, and "anxiety" once made "adults collapse instantly".

The European faction, which focuses on the relationship between "home" and "human", has been conveying the answer to relieve this anxiety to the society.

In the endorsement of the National People's Congress drama "settle down" at the beginning of the year, oupai followed the "shop manager" into each family to solve their anxiety about "House" and customize the whole house for them and "settle down" attentively ";


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

the National topic drama "thirty", the European School witnessed the independence, self-confidence, growth and transformation of the three contemporary women, bravely breaking all shackles, no age limit, no matter when, all have the courage to start again;


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

"Born in the Sun", which will be broadcast tonight, the European School will also be the sunflower of life together with the confident "Xiong Dun" of Lotte. With the company of friendship, love and affection, tenacious ground breaking, born in the sun!


(Image Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)

"There is love at home" is not only a popular slogan, but also an answer against "anxiety of the times.

In the wind and rain, born in the sun, with love at home and warmth! The "oupai Jun" of the healing department will meet Hunan Satellite TV at 20:00 tonight, together with "Born in the Sun", to be the sunflower guarding you.

(Article Source: European wardrobe public number, invasion and deletion)