The Three Great Changes in Furniture Industry Cannot Adapt Or Will Be Eliminated.

During the National Day golden week, China's consumer market fully recovered.

Highways all over the country were filled with cars, shopping malls were crowded with people, restaurants ate like clouds, and cinemas gained the second highest box office in history.

According to the data provided by the Ministry of Commerce: in October 1-8, the sales volume of the national retail and catering key monitoring enterprises was about 1.6 trillion yuan, and the daily average sales volume increased 4.9% compared with the "11" golden week last year.

However, the sales situation of furniture industry does not seem to be very optimistic.

The problems encountered in the furniture industry are related to the three profound changes that are taking place in the furniture industry.


(The picture comes from the creative idea of taking a letter, invasion and deletion)

1. From selling furniture to selling Meiju

in the past, furniture was only sold in furniture stores. Therefore, luxury furniture stores are powerful promotional tools. Consumers are willing to pay high amounts in such a shopping environment.

Nowadays, furniture sales locations are diversified. The designer's computer is becoming a new furniture sales tool.

Consumers see the scene of their new home from the designer's computer and pay for it, becoming a popular way to buy furniture.

The designer's computer may be placed in the office of the decoration company, in the community store of the real estate, or even in the model room of the real estate company-the furniture merchants that the real estate company joined in when selling buildings, the furniture was sold together.

The change of these sales scenarios is actually that furniture, as a commodity, has changed its attributes-from material to service.

I used to sell furniture, but now I sell Meiju.

Because it is selling home, just furniture is not enough. Curtains and lamps need to be sold at the same time. Some even extend to all kinds of interior decoration and even hard decoration.

Since the furniture sales site has changed, the statistics bureau's data on furniture sales is no longer accurate because the statistical objects have changed. In fact, it is almost impossible to correctly count the sales volume in household units.

However, many furniture industry practitioners have not realized this change or are unwilling to adapt to this change.

The change from buying furniture to buying home space is actually the inevitable reflection of people's income upgrading and the concrete embodiment of consumption upgrading in the field of furniture.

If you realize this early and make preparations in time to meet this market change, you will benefit early.

The demand for upgrading must be accompanied by the expense of upgrading. It is strange that consumers are ready and furniture people are not ready.

In the future, what we see in the furniture store should be the model room of Meiju, and the space designer who can introduce products and services in depth. The competent furniture salesman is the one who wears needle leads among consumers, designers, decorators and furniture manufacturers.

The products sold have changed, and of course the form of sales will change accordingly. However, this change has not happened yet in mainstream furniture stores.

2. From selling beauty to selling health

when the finished furniture is upgraded from panel furniture to solid wood furniture and has experienced changes in several furniture styles, panel customized furniture opens up a new battlefield and gains considerable industry profits.

Many customized furniture enterprises have successfully listed, and only on the market, customized furniture is much more successful than finished furniture.

The success of custom furniture comes from its beautiful sales and overall sales space.

Nowadays, customized furniture has also encountered the bottleneck of growth. We have to turn to engineering order for horizontal expansion. The voice of consumers' dissatisfaction has been reflected in the sales order.

In the past, the commercial stories staged by panel furniture in the field of finished furniture have the trend of repeating themselves in the field of panel customized furniture.

Custom furniture enterprises collectively sell healthy and formaldehyde-free plates, which are becoming the life-saving medicine for panel custom furniture.

However, whether furniture consumers who are highly concerned about health will believe in formaldehyde-free boards is actually a question mark.

It is certain that we really pay attention to healthy furniture consumers and give some business opportunities to solid wood customized furniture and metal customized furniture.

The shuffle in the furniture market will definitely happen.

We have noticed that some metal furniture factories are developing rapidly and their products are selling well. Although metal furniture still has various disappointments, some consumers pay more attention to health than other options.

Because of selling healthy, some high-end solid wood furniture and high-end solid wood custom furniture are gaining huge orders.

Health is always the focus. The richer the class, the more important it is.

I believe that wealthy mid-end consumers will not make do with options that affect health.

3. Combination from entity to reality

the experience of online furniture sales in China is thought-provoking.

Several companies specializing in online furniture sales have become failed business cases because of the broken capital chain. However, online retail companies relying on a strong all-commodity sales platform still make persistent investments in online furniture sales, trying to break through this commercial difficulty.

They are actually making continuous progress.

Online furniture sales have become a tenacious existence and achieved great development during the period when the epidemic seriously affected physical sales this year. Almost all furniture people recognize the importance of online furniture sales.

How important is online sales?

For some enterprises, the success of online sales determines their life and death. Especially when your competitors are better at selling online, your situation is extremely dangerous.

Furniture sales, decisive battle in the network.

This sentence will be more verified in the next few years.

Online sales has the characteristics of low cost, wide sales range and rapid transaction. At the same time, the display space of its products is almost unlimited. For suppliers of high-quality products, there are also strong customer stickiness and low customer maintenance costs, the advantage of high possibility of repeated consumption.

During the 11th period, the author chose online furniture suppliers thousands of miles away without hesitation. The most important reason was that the author's demand could not find suppliers locally. Many years of online shopping experience tell me that as long as brands are carefully selected, the probability of problems is not very high.

National Statistics also show that online sales are growing at a high speed, physical sales are growing at a flat level, and some are still in the downward channel. The direction of data prediction is clear at a glance.

For the above three great changes, the understanding is unclear and the response is not effective, which will make many furniture enterprises disappear. On the contrary, dealing with powerful furniture enterprises will embark on a thriving Road.

(Article Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)