[Intelligent Manufacturing Ecology Theory] How Far Is Intelligent Manufacturing from Wooden Door Industry?

Recently, in the 8th China of Yifeng Industry 2020 at the launching meeting of wooden door technology conference, Shi Xing, secretary general of China wooden door Technology Alliance, said: intelligent manufacturing must be the direction and trend of wooden door enterprises, but it is by no means the current situation.


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the reason why there is such a topic is that the theme of this technology conference is "the theory of intelligent manufacturing ecology", and the naming unit-also wants to visit-Jifeng industrial intelligent manufacturing factory, the level of intelligent manufacturing has reached a certain level. According to the data from Jifeng industry, the whole park of the factory covers an area of 240 mu, with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan. There are 17 production workshops, including wooden doors, wooden window, aluminum window, wallboard, ornamental plate, floor, wardrobe, there are 9 product lines of cabinets and bathroom cabinets, and the annual output value can reach 2 billion yuan.

【智造生态论】 智能制造,离木门行业有多远?

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in a word, the central word of this technology conference is "intelligent manufacturing". However, this is a forward-looking discussion, a discussion on the situation prediction and response strategy, not a definition of the current situation. After all, there are very few wooden door enterprises like Jifeng industry, which are qualified and necessary to make intelligent manufacturing and construction to a large extent-capital strength, scheme matching, capacity digestion...... No one can be satisfied.

However, this does not prevent wooden door enterprises from exploring and moving forward on the road of intelligent manufacturing.

The development of automation and intelligence in wooden door industry is surging

in 2015, 3D unpainted wooden doors were listed in the "Sino-German manufacturing 2025" and "industrial 4.0" demonstration bases, and the information-based intelligent manufacturing system was fully applied. 3D unpainted wooden door "German 5A factory" is built and configured in the two major production bases in North and South China according to all the standards and details of German 5A factory, not only the whole German equipment group, informatization and door system technology, wrench and other small tools, tooling, factory environment temperature, humidity, green design, etc. are all implemented as they are, ensuring the purity of blood. German CPS information system Group, including 11 sets of sub-systems from production planning to logistics and transportation chain management, ensures stable quality and fast delivery of wooden doors in the most reasonable way.


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in 2017, workshop No. 3 of wooden doors in montian caused a sensation in the industry. It was regarded as the representative and symbol of intelligent manufacturing of wooden doors in montian. Workshop 3 realizes intelligent interconnection, monitoring, control, optimization and automation. With the completion of workshop No. 3, montian wooden doors have also completed another industrial upgrade in terms of design, production and transportation.

【智造生态论】 智能制造,离木门行业有多远?

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in 2018, Sanfeng home super smart factory was built. Local governments, industry associations, industry colleagues, equipment suppliers, material suppliers and media gathered in Shenyang to witness the completion of this smart factory. Sanfeng home super smart factory has introduced international advanced equipment such as Italian SCM and German heroic. Through seamless connection of hardware and software, it has realized intelligent design, intelligent bill splitting and intelligent production, at the same time, visual data analysis is also achieved. At present, Sanfeng home has built three full German and intelligent home production bases, providing customers with high-quality products and fast and superior services with sophisticated production technology and intelligent production lines.


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also in 2018, the completion of the Southern production base of zhanzhitianhua meant that the enterprise with Asia No. 1 product supply system already had two production bases in Liaoning and Guangdong. Asia No. 1 has five advantages: Production Intelligence, sales empowerment, innovation function, guarantee production capacity and integration of kinetic energy, and has built a multi-line independent production "Seiko smart manufacturing" production system, introducing German haomai and other household products processing equipment, more than 30 wooden door production processes such as cutting, carving, grinding, mold pressing, cold pressing, hot pressing, edge sealing, painting, packaging, etc, fully integrated into the industrial 4.0 standard intelligent production line to ensure product quality.

【智造生态论】 智能制造,离木门行业有多远?

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the information from Shangpin's true colors also shows that its newly-built smart home Industrial Park locates intelligent factories, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent logistics and intelligent design, and introduces German Jintian haomai Industrial 4.0 smart home production line, it realizes the intelligent operation of online design, order processing, raw material management, automatic production, warehousing and logistics.


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qianchuan wooden door is also rapidly moving forward in automatic and intelligent production and construction. With the opening of its ERP system, the scientific and intelligent degree of the whole factory is further improved.

【智造生态论】 智能制造,离木门行业有多远?

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of course, these are only some representative enterprises. Generally speaking, wooden door enterprises have made progress on the road of mechanization, automation and intelligence, but the degree and pace are different.

At present, what affects the development of intelligent manufacturing of wooden door enterprises is customization and personalization, especially high-end customization.

Automation and intelligence have good precision and high efficiency. When conditions are met and mature, enterprises will have advanced requirements. But it is undeniable that this kind of development has bottlenecks. Apart from other factors, from the perspective of technology realization alone, what affects and restricts the intelligent manufacturing of wooden door enterprises is customization and personalization.

Wooden doors have strong customization properties, and production can achieve certain automation and intelligence, which is difficult. However, it will be more difficult to customize the whole wood with more content and more personalization.

Wang Weiyang, executive director and president of Tucson Wood Co., Ltd., said that intelligent manufacturing is feasible in tooling with high degree of standardization and paint-free. However, it is difficult to implement high-end customization. "Any intelligence needs a hand, such as bar code. Our non-standard ratio is high, and our products have no practical methods for the time being." However, Wang Weiyang also said, "but learning is very important, and local intelligence or industrialization is feasible."


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in fact, in the field of high-end customization, enterprises are more industrialized with sophisticated equipment and try to realize automation and intelligence locally. Guanniu wood industry eliminated all old machines and introduced all new equipment in 2012, thus greatly improving its production level. However, there was an episode that because the equipment was too advanced, the workers would not control it, and they did not know where the problem was or how to deal with it. Therefore, Guanniu experienced a period of "suffering", there was even a decline in production capacity. This episode also reminds wooden door enterprises that automatic and intelligent construction requires adequate psychological preparation and preheating process.

TATA wooden door Zhang Yan: intelligent manufacturing, can be divided into three steps

TATA wooden door seldom talks about the automation and intelligent manufacturing level of its own factory, but Zhang Yan, deputy general manager of TATA wooden door, said in a certain exchange, "we don't say it, it doesn't mean we didn't do it." The development concept of intelligent manufacturing of TATA is also discussed.

Zhang Yan: in the process of doing this, we also encountered many problems. Intelligent manufacturing...... With the word "intelligence", the investment is very large. In the field of deep processing of wood products, the added value of products is very low. In this case, it is difficult to put the high investment in the manufacturing process into the sales price as a benign cost, which is very troublesome. Therefore, for intelligent manufacturing, we consider it in three stages. The first stage is called semi-automatic production, the second is called automatic production, and the third is called intelligent production. For some complex products, only semi-automatic can be used. At this time, the cost is relatively high, but there is no way. Customers who want this kind of modeling can only do it in this way. When developing towards automatic production, we will slowly add intelligent things. We have transferred production information in the production process very early, which is the basis of intelligence. In other words, if intelligence does not rely on big data or informatization, this intelligence is pseudo-intelligent. TATA has had ERP systems since 2006 and 2007. We have produced sub-orders without fax paper. The system is directly connected to the Internet, and our production equipment is directly connected to the Internet.

【智造生态论】 智能制造,离木门行业有多远?

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according to Zhang Yan, TATA started from a small scale test in the construction of "big intelligence. TATA has invited many excellent Eletronic Products engineers to design and manufacture equipment. In 2016, five Japanese automation experts were specially invited to study and design the automatic production line belonging to TATA wooden doors. Every year, TATA also sends employees and responsible persons of the production plant to study in Toyota enterprises in Japan to master more advanced technologies.

"Therefore, in the process of building intelligent manufacturing, we must be forward-looking. Whether it is our personnel, systems, equipment, and data, these must be forward-looking, and its implementation, it should be implemented step by step, and it should not be done at once." Zhang Yan said.

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