The National Building Materials and Home Prosperity Index Climbed in September. the National Building Materials and Home Market Is Facing the Peak Season.

Noun explanation: BHI

BHI is the abbreviation of National Building Materials home Prosperity Index. It is a boom index of a building materials home terminal store jointly released by the circulation industry development department of the Ministry of Commerce and China Building Materials Circulation Association. It is compiled by collecting the relevant data of 50,000 building materials home merchants (shops) from various designated centralized collection points in the country.

BHI reflects the boom and market trend of building materials and home decoration materials. At the same time, compared with the national real estate development boom index, BHI can also reflect the strength of the rigid demand for real estate.

On October 15, the National Building Materials home Prosperity Index BHI, jointly released by the circulation industry development department of the Ministry of Commerce and China Building Materials Circulation Association, was 108.26 in September 2020, up 6.33 points from the previous month, down 2.28 points year-on-year.

The sales volume of building materials above the national scale was 86.57 billion yuan in September home furnishing stores, up 14.99 percent from the previous month and down 11.79 percent from the previous year. The cumulative sales volume from January to September 2020 was 501.982 billion yuan, down year-on-year.


(Image Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)

figure 1: January, 2019-September, 2020

BHI and real estate climate index comparison chart


(Image Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)

table 1: September B HI and sub-index data table

interpretation of BHI data from industry research department of China Building Materials Circulation Association:

in September, the National Building Materials home market entered the traditional consumption season. The stability of the epidemic also made the demand of consumers affected by the epidemic continue to release, and the vitality of the National Building Materials home market increased significantly. BHI continued its upward trend in August and continued to climb upwards.

The specific analysis is as follows:

from the perspective of the national real estate market

first of all, analysis of the real estate market of the whole country in September: under the background of the continuous tightening of the national real estate regulation policy, the real estate market of the whole country in September was running smoothly, showing a moderate recovery trend in general, and the market differentiation became more and more obvious.

Judging from the market performance, "Jin Jiu" is the traditional marketing peak season of the national property market. The pace of pushing the market of major housing enterprises has accelerated. By means of price reduction and promotion, the annual sales target completion rate of head Housing Enterprises is relatively high, the overall transaction in the market is relatively active;

in terms of price, the price of newly-built houses in Baicheng has risen steadily. According to the data of Baicheng price index in China's Real Estate Index System, in September 2020, the average price of newly-built houses in Baicheng was 15643 yuan/square meter, up month on month, the increase narrowed by 0.26 percent age points from last month; It increased by 3.26 percent year-on-year, and narrowed by 0.08 percent age points from last month.

In terms of second-hand housing market, the average price of second-hand housing in 100 cities continued to rise and the increase expanded year on year in September, and the overall market maintained stable operation. The average price of second-hand housing in 100 cities nationwide was 15360 yuan/square meter, up month on month, up 0.01 percent age points from last month; Up year on year, up 0.15 percent age points from last month.

Under the direct influence of the real estate market, the overall performance of the National Building Materials home market also shows a steady recovery trend in the peak season. And with the approaching of National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, the consumption effect of holidays began to appear, the consumption intention of consumers in building materials and home furnishing continued to increase, the market demand was effectively released, and the "Golden nine" market was full of color.

In September, the sales volume of building materials above the national scale home furnishing stores was 86.57 billion yuan, up 14.99 percent from the previous month and down 11.79 percent from the previous year.

Judging from BHI sub-indexes

secondly, analyze BHI sub-indexes: the stability of the epidemic and the enhancement of people's safety awareness. Since August, the passenger flow in the building materials home market has returned to the level of the same period last year and entered the traditional consumption peak season in September, with the influence of favorable policies of promotion fees and market preferences, the building materials home market maintains a high popularity level. This month, the popularity index reached 180.47, up 15.28 points from the previous month and 23.50 points from the previous year.

Recently, the second outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic in many countries around the world has restrained the global economic recovery, while the domestic economy has maintained a stable recovery trend and positive changes are increasing.

According to the China manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) released by the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in September was 51.5%, up 0.5 percent age points from last month.

The good macro background boosted the confidence of domestic enterprises. After 8 months, the "manager confidence index" remained in the boom range, with its value reaching 172.92 points, down 11.24 points from the previous month, the year-on-year increase was 14.77 points, and its absolute value reached 62.69 (above 50, optimistic about the future market, below 50, weak future market).


the Ministry of Commerce organized various regions to use the traditional consumption peak season of "Golden nine silver ten" to hold the national "consumption promotion month" from September 9 to October 8.

China Building Materials Circulation Association, as the initiator of this consumption promotion month activity, jointly launched the initiative of epidemic prevention and control, strict frugality, honest management and benefiting the people with 11 other industry associations.

It is suggested that enterprises practice the new concept of green, safe, intelligent and healthy consumption, strengthen the digital construction of building materials home market and the construction of big data platform, and fully stimulate the advantages and domestic demand potential of China's ultra-large-scale building materials home market, precise policies are adopted to promote consumption and provide lasting powerful impetus for accelerating the formation of China's new development pattern with the domestic circulation as the main body.

Publishing unit:

department of Circulation Industry Development of Ministry of Commerce

china Building Materials Circulation Association

(Article Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)