The Trend of Informatization Strikes the Whole House Home Furnishing Enterprises Guard against Brand Crisis

In the Internet era, the whole house household industry has gradually matured and the brand awareness among enterprises has been continuously strengthened. However, Brand Crisis has gradually become a problem that every enterprise will face, therefore, the whole house household enterprises must be alert to the crisis brought by the brand.


(Image Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)

information Age makes enterprises fall into brand crisis

in recent years, in the process of enriching and impacting people's daily life, the wave of informatization is also duty-bound to change the market environment greatly, making brand crises enter the stage of easy occurrence and frequent occurrence. Especially with the continuous development of information technology, many new changes have taken place in the network environment. The rapid expansion of self-media such as blogs, microblogs, WeChat and online communities has greatly reduced the cost of information dissemination and acquisition.

In this more flat compressed virtual space, the situation of "good news comes on crutches" has finally changed, and the word-of-mouth effect will inject a lot of positive energy into the brand; While the speed of "bad news travels quickly" is geometric growth, the whole house household enterprise with extensive management and lack of crisis management ability can easily fall into the brand crisis after detonating the media because of a certain fuse "lying gun shoot.

Construct brand crisis early warning and prevention and control system

early warning of brand crisis is the first step of brand crisis management and the key to brand crisis management. The so-called "after-event control is not as good as in-event control, and in-event control is not as good as in-event control". Brand Crisis early warning mainly refers to the early warning and prevention and control system constructed by people based on brand crisis awareness and brand crisis awareness.

Enterprises need to respond to brand crises in a timely manner.

The road of enterprise brand building is a very difficult road, and it is very likely to encounter brand crisis in this process. The brand crisis is due to the dereliction of duty, sudden crisis caused by mistakes or mistakes in internal management. Once the whole house household Enterprise encounters a brand crisis, it will lead to the increase of consumers' distrust of the brand, the sharp decline in sales volume, and the severe blow to the brand reputation, which is the performance of the brand crisis.

In short, in the information age, the whole house household enterprises should not only know how to prevent, resolve and transform crises, but also strengthen the brand commitment of the whole house household after each crisis and fulfill the responsibilities of the enterprises, only in this way can we win the trust of consumers.

(Article Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)