Is It Urgent to Reform Or Change the Market Transformation?

Either reform or change business, the transformation of stores is imminent? In the 30 years of rapid development of building materials and home furnishing industry, it seems that no era is experiencing an unprecedented change like now.


sales will eventually

back to the terminal physical store

seeing this sentence, I believe many dealers who only want to stay in the store will be very happy. But don't worry, let's analyze this problem clearly and then draw a conclusion.

Under the environment of less and less terminal passenger flow, various marketing methods and drainage channels emerge one after another. The illusion for everyone is that as long as you play marketing tricks well, stores are actually not important.

What I want to explain most here is that it is really not the fault of the store that your business is not good now, just like your stomachache can't be said to be caused by having a stomach. This is because stores used to undertake all the functions of business: drainage, sales, experience and service. And now there is a part of the drainage work that starts to divert to a more advanced link.

Of course, some people will say, you see that many businesses are sold outside the stores now, but after careful analysis, there were too few transactions in peripheral channels before, so that a slight increase in channel transactions feels much the same.

Seeing here, does anyone think that I don't have to consider external channels in the future. This is a very objective idea. The customer's sales transaction returns to the store, which is quite different from that in the store. The main difference is that the current transaction logic has changed.

Previous Transaction Logic: Customers go to the store themselves-be guided-experience-be marketed-deal.

Current Transaction Logic: accurate Channel promotion-accurate channel guidance-customers are invited to stores-experience-transaction.

Most people go to two extremes: they used to put all the functions in the store, but now they want to put all the functions in the Channel.

But what we need to know is that customers are becoming more and more shrewd. They will not choose your products because of one factor and will consider many factors comprehensively. What we need to do is to make every link that customers need to consider as well as possible, so that the transaction ratio will be much higher.

Just like our company makes bags, in the past, a real estate can do one-year performance of another store, and we will ignore the importance of the store. When the following sales model becomes more and more popular, customers will not make transactions in a short and fast closed state slowly, which requires stores to be used as backstage for long-term transformation.


(Image Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)


the store should not be just a landlord,

it should be a platform for drainage and service.

This topic is not to say that there is a problem with the original model of the store. The past industry development situation needs that model. This model has also developed all the way.

I remember that more than ten years ago, most cities did not even have a formal place to sell their homes. They were all scattered shops on the street. A street of building materials was formed at the back, and a formal home furnishing stores was formed at the back. This has made great contributions to the standardized development of the industry. In fact, many home brands developed their stores in the Golden position of the stores by endorsement of formal stores.

Therefore, when the industry develops to another height, we don't have to laugh at the past, just as we can't laugh at our childish youth. Of course, it is still naive in the past, so it should be abandoned.

One of the important reasons why the current stores have less passenger flow is that more services are pre-loaded. Many channel providers begin to contact customers in advance with pre-service to transfer stores to the battlefield, because of the precise drainage of front-end services, customers can also be taken to places they want to take.

As soon as this phenomenon appeared, many people began to question the necessity of the existence of stores.

Stores must exist, but stores without clear positioning labels will definitely be eliminated. In the past, it would be more and more difficult to live by building a piece of land and a group of merchants until they were eliminated.

What is the distinctive label of the store?

In fact, this is the problem of store brand positioning.

For example, which store should customers go to if they want to buy the most cost-effective local products? Which store should customers go to if they want to buy the most high-end local products? Which store should customers go to if they want to buy the most worry-free and best service products?

This label is clear, and it will be clearly promoted in the local area. Some people have said that I want all the customers in the city to come to my store. I think I think too much about this problem. Unless there are few people competing with you in your local city, and you want to walk horizontally with your greatest strength, it is not realistic.

In fact, the more mature an industry is, there will be two extremes: one is the monopoly of giants, and the other is the ultimate subdivision.

After positioning the store, the most important thing is to do the job well. Previous stores only provided venues, while others were basically sideline businesses. At present, the job in the store is: centralized drainage, category optimization and service coordination.

Centralized drainage is to solve the problem of high drainage cost for a single merchant. The cost of a single merchant is not only the promotion fee paid, but also the conversion cost caused by low single value.

If centralized drainage by stores, reasonable cost conversion can be carried out among merchants. This is the same as Taobao and Jingdong. The biggest function of these online platforms is drainage, and merchants are also interested in traffic.

It should be noted that the drainage mentioned here is not only an advertisement outside, for example, the store wants to promote, that is, advertising should also have targeted themes and contents. For some big businesses, this problem can be done by themselves. For many small and medium-sized merchants, they are basically unable to do it. Then, the stores must participate in the planning and implementation of this problem and arrange merchants to do it.

In particular, some stores want to carry bags or complete packages as the theme, so in the design and marketing process, it is necessary to integrate resources and teams to operate, and it is best for merchants to connect with service providers as products.

Category optimization is also a headache. If this store is good at attracting investment, it is easy to say that as long as you have clear ideas.

If it is not good to attract investment, then everyone can come in. After entering, due to unreasonable category planning, vicious competition among merchants will be caused.

It's really hard to attract investment. Simply make the category better, raise the threshold of attracting investment, and bring a group of people who are willing to follow along to get through a model. As long as one mode is established, the whole store will have a virtuous circle.

Many people see that the successful or unsuccessful transformation of other stores is superficial. Some stores fail to succeed in the transformation of some modes. In fact, it is a problem of transportation, it is not necessarily a problem with the pattern (of course, some are a problem with the pattern).

As far as I have experienced, a very important reason for the transformation of stores is that my team and internal mechanisms are not suitable for intervening in the operation and management links. Another problem is that merchants are very passive, so it is necessary to seize the core merchants to drive them. Most of the time, there are not many useful people.


(Image Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)


the store is essentially one

bag and package procurement platform

due to the popularity of the concept of carrying bags and packing in recent years, many people who eat crabs have also appeared.

Although some people stand up and fall down, it is undeniable that the service mode of carrying bags and packing is a trend. The problem lies in the different cognition of everyone. If you really put the bag and the whole package into practice, it means that you have finished the whole household industry. It can be imagined how difficult this is, so it is normal for a single enterprise or distributor to have such and such problems in this mode.

Bags and packages are not a sales model or a product model, but a service model. The implementation of this model has two prerequisites: one is to realize the design service with products package, and the other is the product landing capability of the design scheme.

No matter which enterprise or big business does this model, it is at most a kind of service or category that is used to carry bags or complete packages. However, the needs of customers are varied, which cannot be changed. Therefore, it requires a clear division of labor in the industry.

The store can be used as a drainage, procurement and service supervision platform for bags and packages, and then various merchants can implement products and services.


(Image Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)

this should be an ideal way to service for whole case in the future. In other words, customers enter the store to merge similar items according to their own needs, which is not forced to be implanted by merchants.

Borrow a sentence as a conclusion: there are no successful stores, only the stores of the times. I wish the country a successful transformation and prosperous business in home furnishing stores.

(Article Source: home market-public number, invasion and deletion)