Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Production Calculation Material

From DUT door and window software:

Calculation method of aluminum alloy doors and windows:

Hole size: it is the size reserved for doors and windows according to the building construction plan.

Window size: the actual size after the window is made.

Blanking size: the cutting size of materials before making doors and windows.

Welding flux: the amount of material consumed during welding is generally 3mm.

Lap volume: for departments with overlapping doors and windows and frames, 8mm is generally used.

Instance 1

Materials: 60 flat open frame, 60 open fan, 60 Wood, window size: 1200x1700 upper light 500

From Baidu know that:

I. Calculation method:
70c winger = window height
Up and down = window width-30MM
Hook light Enterprise = upper sliding package outer-43 (outer) = upper sliding package outer-53 (inner)
Upper and Lower square = (slide-up-90MM)/2 (two open) (slide-up-180MM)/4 (four open)
Car window shade height = external hook-25MM
Car window shade width = 60MM above
888 winger = window height
Up and down = window width-30MM
Hook light Enterprise = up and down package outside-55 (outside) = up and down package outside-65 (inside)
Upper and Lower square = (slide-up-110MM)/2 (two open) (slide-up-220MM)/4 (four open)
Car window shade height = external hook-33MM
Car window shade width = 80MM above
898 winger = window height
Up and down = window width-30MM
Hook light Enterprise = up and down package outside-55 (outside) = up and down package outside-65 (inside)
Upper and Lower square = (slide-95MM)/2 (two open) (slide-190MM)/4 (four open)
Car window shade high = internal hook Enterprise
Car window shade width = 60MM above