How to Promote Ultra-Low Energy Consumption Buildings? Three Suggestions from Representatives of the Two Sessions of Orun Shunda to Promote Industrial Development

On March 5th, the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress (hereinafter referred to as the "two sessions") were held in Beijing. NI Haiqiong, president of Hebei Orun Shunda group, put forward the topic of "vigorously promoting passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings to help achieve the strategic goals of carbon peak and carbon neutralization" at the meeting, which aroused widespread concern.

It is reported that building energy consumption accounts for more than 30% of China's total energy consumption and is a huge energy black hole. As the most advanced energy-saving building in the world at present, the energy-saving rate of ultra-low energy consumption building is as high as over 90%, which has two core characteristics of comfortable experience and low energy consumption, and can bring "constant temperature, constant humidity, the five residential experiences of constant oxygen, constant clean and constant clean are the development trend of architecture in the future.

NI Haiqiong said at the meeting that vigorously promoting passive ultra-low energy consumption industry conforms to the concept of high-quality development in the new era, further promoting building energy conservation, improving people's happy life index, it is of great significance to promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

Representative ni Haiqiong quoted statistics from relevant State departments at the meeting: "If all urban and rural buildings in northern China adopt passive ultra-low energy construction technology, it can save about 0.35 billion tons of coal for heating every year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 0.9 billion tons" is of great significance to help achieve the goals of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutral.

In addition, ni Haiqiong also mentioned that the development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings is also a win-win that benefits people and industry development: it can not only create "constant temperature, constant humidity, constant oxygen, constant static, the ideal environment of Hengjie" can effectively remove formaldehyde and release negative oxygen ions through patented technology to truly satisfy people's yearning for a better life. It can also promote industrial transformation and upgrading and cultivate new economic growth points, NI Haiqiong thinks: "The ultra-low energy consumption construction industry is a new sunrise industry, which will promote the development of energy-saving doors and windows, fresh air environment integrated machine and other related industries, as well as planning and design, construction management, the comprehensive upgrading of quality supervision and other industries will lead to a trillion-level Blue Ocean market in the future, which has strong promotion value."

Therefore, ni Haiqiong put forward three suggestions at the meeting to promote the development of the industry and promote the upgrading of the environmental protection industry:
First, scientifically promote industrial development: thicken the depth of the industry and establish a benign industrial ecology; Plus-sized scientific innovation efforts to break through the bottleneck of core technology and equipment development; Strengthen vocational education and training to provide talent reserves for the development of the industry.
The second is to steadily promote the application of products: strengthen demonstration and guidance in public construction projects, especially further deepen the application in major national strategic projects such as the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the construction of Xiong'an New District; in the process of urbanization transformation and new rural construction, we should consider adopting the form of "special subsidy" to encourage the adoption of passive ultra-low energy consumption building technology,
The third is to firmly grasp the market supervision: Insist on adopting the system integration technology to carry out the project, and fundamentally put an end to shoddy; Tighten the material inspection and construction supervision, and control the quality from the source.

Olun Shunda group has been deeply engaged in the field of energy-saving building materials for 33 years. Based on the prospective vision, it proposed to develop ultra-low energy consumption building technology at the two sessions, which can be described as "benefiting the country, benefiting the people and benefiting the industry" and is a real win-win. This proposal can effectively help China's environmental protection strategic goals such as "2030 carbon peak, 2060 carbon neutral", realize people's yearning for ideal human settlements, and drive the development of the whole industrial chain, create a trillions of new blue ocean.