How to Select Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Specifications and Series

1. Common models: Broken Bridge aluminum models mainly include 55, 60, 65, and 70 series, and broken bridge aluminum doors and windows are mostly used in the early stage of 55 series, in Broken Bridge aluminum 2018, 60 series and 70 series were commonly used for doors and windows, of which 70 series accounted for more than 80%.

The so-called model refers to the width of the window frame material, 60 series refers to broken bridge aluminum window frame material width 6cm, 70 series is broken bridge aluminum window frame material width 7cm. So how much can the difference between the 1cm gap be? Each square meter can differ by more than 100 yuan. Many consumers wonder why there is such a big gap between 60 and 70 materials? The simple resolution of 60 and 70 is the width of the material, but the cross-sectional width of 60 and 70 series materials is quite different. Take broken bridge aluminum 60 and 70 window frame materials as an example:

Broken Bridge aluminum 60 Series frame small surface: 2.9, frame large surface 5cm

Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series frame small surface: 4cm, frame large surface 7cm

This is still a simple window frame with different cross sections, and the width of Casement materials and medium support materials are different.


60 Broken Bridge aluminum


70 broken bridge aluminum

2. Interpretation of wall thickness of 60 and 70 materials:

1. Broken Bridge aluminum and aluminum alloy are collectively referred to as aluminum alloy materials. The state has relevant regulations on the wall thickness of aluminum alloy materials for exterior windows of buildings: the minimum measured wall thickness of the base material section of the main stress part of the window should not be less than 1.4mm, the minimum measured wall thickness of the base material section of the main stress part of the main door profile should not be less than 2.0MM.

Therefore, whether it is broken bridge aluminum 60 series or 70 series, as long as the wall thickness of the window reaches 1.4MM, it meets the requirements of the national standard. Many consumers misunderstand that the wall thickness of broken bridge aluminum 60 series is 1.4MM,70 series wall thickness is 1.8MM, mistaken for the national standard regulation, the broken bridge aluminum wall thickness of different brands is also different.


GB wall thickness 1.4MM

Jinpeng broken bridge aluminum 60 Series wall thickness 1.4MM,70 series wall thickness 1.4MM

Central Asia broken bridge aluminum 60 Series wall thickness 1.4mm, 70 series wall thickness 1.8MM

Fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum 60 Series wall thickness 1.4mm, 70 series wall thickness 1.6MM

Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy casement window mainly includes: 50, 55, 60, 63, 66, 70, 74 and other series; Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy aluminium alloy sliding window mainly includes 78, 80, 88, 90 and other series.

There are many specifications of aluminum alloy profiles, and different profile manufacturers also have different specifications. Before inquiry, you should first look at samples, select window types and Profile specifications, and then according to window holes and user requirements, then calculate the basic price according to the design requirements, and select it through comprehensive consideration of these various factors.

There are many models of broken bridge aluminum on the market, such as 55 series, 60 series, 65 series, 70 series, of which 55 series is the main push and consumption series in the market.

Differences between 55 series and 60 series:

Broken Bridge aluminum 55 series refers to the width of broken bridge aluminum profile is 5.5cm, while broken bridge aluminum 60 series refers to the width of broken bridge aluminum profile is 6cm, the difference between them is that the 60 series is 0.5cm wider than the black insulation strip in the middle of the 55 series, and the material and wall thickness are the same. Some consumers think it is too thin and unsafe. In fact, 55 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows are currently the most commonly used window type in the Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows market. They are also mainstream window types with sufficient width and safety, it has been proved by physical tests and practices. The answer to this question is not the same. Some manufacturers also have other series. Generally, 50, 55 and 60 series are commonly used.

The quality of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows does not depend on the type of materials selected, but mainly depends on the material, wall thickness, heat insulation strip and processing technology of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. If you have the conditions, you can choose Series 60, that is, the heat insulation strip is wider than 55. The main difference between the broken bridge aluminum 55 series and the 60 series is that the wall thickness of the 55, 60, and 65 series is 1.4mm, while the wall thickness of the Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series is 1.8mm.

The commonly used series of flat open or suspended bridge aluminium windows or door are 50 series, 55 series and 60 series. There are 70 series in sliding window, and 90 series in 80 series. As for the problem of glass configuration, the glass of doors and windows is generally relatively thin, 5 + 9A (or 12A)+5, and some profiles can also be equipped with 5 + 15A +5 glass, this depends on the shape of the glass bead. The relationship with the series is not very large.

Consumers generally do not notice these differences when using broken bridge aluminum. This is also to popularize the simple knowledge of broken bridge aluminum.