The Transaction Amount in Three Days Is 3.582 Billion Yuan! The 11th Th China (Yongkang) International Door Industry Expo Ended Successfully.

On May 28, the 11th China (Yongkang) International Door Industry Expo ended successfully.


It is reported that 116294 people participated in this expo in three days, up 28% year-on-year; The transaction volume was 3.582 billion yuan, up 37% year-on-year; The total number of visits to the online door Expo was 820900, A year-on-year increase of 45%.

Undoubtedly, after more than ten years of forging, menbo has become a veritable high-quality exhibition. Paint-free wooden doors, 3D face recognition smart lock, intelligent window cleaner, high-end aluminum door, double-open bullet door...... At the exhibition site, 912 exhibitors and tens of thousands of exhibits and technologies covered the whole industrial chain, showing the elements of "wind vane" and "barometer" of the door industry incisively and vividly.

This year, the door Fair, which has been deeply cultivating the door industry for more than ten years, has made a heavy attack on the critical moment of economic recovery in the post-epidemic era, taking full view of the new pattern of the door industry and boosting the new consumption of the door industry market, it presents a diversified and professional industry feast for "door workers.

Although the three-day exhibition has come to a successful conclusion, Yongkang's "door" Road has always been on the road, and its footsteps have not stopped and its original intention has not changed.

Next year, Yongkang will open a brand new "door". Welcome home!