Anchen's High-End Seamless Doors and Windows Have Invested a Lot to Launch and Log on to Major Satellite TVs.

Anchen's high-end seamless doors and windows have invested a lot to launch and log on to major satellite TVs.

Under the diversified market situation, a brand is a business card and a sign for consumers to identify enterprises and products. Brand represents the comprehensive strength and brand concept of the enterprise. Multi-channel brand promotion is conducive to the further expansion of the enterprise. A good brand image is a powerful weapon for the enterprise in the market competition and deeply attracts consumers. To build a strong national brand, we must rely on the power of advertising.

In order to improve the brand comprehensive influence of Anchen in China's high-end seamless doors and windows market, enhance the brand awareness of Anchen, and close the distance between Anchen and consumers, in June 2021, Anchen's high-end seamless doors and windows joined hands with domestic authoritative media, strong landing on Hunan Satellite TV and Guangdong Satellite TV!

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(Image Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)

strong and strong joint leading industry

as one of the most influential media in the Chinese world, Hunan Satellite TV and Guangdong Satellite TV have become important international all-media media groups. At present, Hunan Satellite TV and Guangdong Satellite TV have set up Reporter stations in 56 regions and countries around the world, which have achieved effective coverage all over the world in various ways such as satellite TV IPTV.

When landing on the above two major satellite TV stations, Anchen will convey Anchen's brand concept to 1.4 billion audiences through authoritative publicity on the first-line media platform. This is not only the affirmation and recognition of an Chen by Hunan Satellite TV and Guangdong Satellite TV, but also the demonstration of the comprehensive strength of an Chen brand!

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(Image Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)

do not forget your original heart and move forward

since the establishment of the brand, Anchen has always taken "creating a good experience for users" as the driving force to master the key core technology of aluminium alloy sash seamless welding and the professional technology of seamless welding sash surface treatment. Through innovative design, developed and produced seamless welding window screen integrated broken bridge casement window series products that meet the characteristics of China's north and south climate.

Facing the door and window market under the epidemic, Anchen has been paying close attention to the development of distributors, and has successively introduced various policies to help distributors after the outbreak. In 2020, an Chen took the lead in opening the new normal of online enterprise training, helping customers improve their professional skills with more efficient, faster and standard service methods. Brand-new brand strategy, stronger and more comprehensive brand promotion efforts bring new breakthroughs to marketing and inject strong vitality into the terminal market.

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(Image Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)

benchmark brand future availability

if you want to establish a benchmark brand image in the industry, you must find the focus of publicity. In 2021, an Chen's high-end seamless doors and windows will usher in a year of accelerated brand expansion. Cooperation with major Golden Satellite TV is an extremely important part of an Chen's brand strategy upgrade in 2021.

After years of development, Anchen's high-end seamless doors and windows have accumulated a good channel Foundation and user reputation. In the process of development, Anchen has always attached great importance to brand building. In order to help more terminal distributors open the market, Anchen takes market orientation as its coordinate and consumer demand as its basis, the national brand strategy has been upgraded again.

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(Image Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)

in the future, with the help of the resource advantages of the platform, Anchen will further carry out brand building and promotion, establish strong brand credibility, deepen consumers' and franchisees's understanding of Anchen's products and joining modes, and serve as distributor partners, bring Anchen high-quality products and services to thousands of households.

(Article Source: Liangpin Tesco official website, invasion and deletion)