Meiwo Doors and Windows Online Business School Will Launch a Strong Attack

Meiwo doors and windows online business school will launch a strong attack

meiwo doors and windows online business school will launch a strong attack! Meiwo doors and windows Online Business School announced that it would launch business school in Foshan production base in Guangdong province. In order to better serve all dealers and friends, it will jointly build a super online business school with one consulting company. Meiwo doors and windows business school will lead the future of doors and windows in China, participate in the witness of the trend of doors and windows in China and promote the development of doors and windows in China.


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)



new strategy

A mobile phone is a university.

Open Horse School on WeChat

learn what you want

monitoring of learning duration

one mobile phone can master corporate culture

selling point of core commodities

the system of the entire architecture

business school officially launched

shopping guides, store managers, shop assistants, and new merchants

online fast learning to reduce everyone's costs

learning is our competitiveness

empower our terminals

new models, new methods,

new skills and new products

able to reach the store within time


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)



terminal empowerment

professionalism is the foundation of trust

meiwo door and window Online College

teacher Fang Hao, Dean

engaged in doors and windows industry for 16 years!

Lecturers are experienced and funny

the course is rich and varied

there are key points and explanations for recording and broadcasting courses.

Actual combat, 400 + uploaded videos

irregular live courses

300 + competitive marketing courses

dealers, shopping guides, and store managers share courses


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)

combined with recording and broadcasting course form and live broadcasting course form

let students learn knowledge faster

even if you miss the live broadcast, you can watch the recording and learning.

Meiwo business school start-up stage

focus on the growth of new merchants and new employees

(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)


scan the code and learn!



business school value

mowo Business School is a product other than mowo

the second largest empowering distributor

it is the future brand planning route of meiwo

very important milestone

to be a good brand is inseparable

complete education system and training system


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)



user feedback

the business school live broadcast was lively that night.

The audience responded positively and studied hard.

Participate in the launch ceremony of online business school

get a free account within two days

the audience expressed the development of online business schools.

Reduce large costs for itself

convenient form to learn on WeChat

the course is rich, interesting and easy to understand.

Therefore, I am especially grateful to Mevo online business school.

For more friends who need to learn

hard-won and valuable platform

empower Terminal Stores to upgrade

(Article Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)