Shangpin Home Collection Join Hands with Chuangmi Technology to Bring Home "New Species"

Shangpin Home Collection join hands with chuangmi technology to bring home "new species"

on June 16, 2021, "new trend of complete outfit · New pattern of smart innovation"-Shangpin Home Collection & chuangmi technology Strategic Cooperation Conference was successfully held in Shanghai Greenfield Shangpin Home Collection super store. Shangpin homewear ceremoniously released BIM assembly strategy at the meeting and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with chuangmi technology. The leading edge of chuangmi technology in the field of smart home has helped the BIM assembly strategy of Shangpin Home collection.

尚品宅配携手创米科技 带来家居“新物种”_1

(Image Source: Home hotline, invasion and deletion)

尚品宅配携手创米科技 带来家居“新物种”_2

(Image Source: Home hotline, invasion and deletion)

尚品宅配携手创米科技 带来家居“新物种”_3

(Image Source: Home hotline, invasion and deletion)

(Article Source: Home hotline, invasion and deletion)