Canadian Wood Industry Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Beijing Forestry University

Canadian wood industry signed strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Forestry University

on the morning of June 15, 2021, the strategic cooperation agreement between Canadian wood industry and the School of Materials Science and Technology of Beijing Forestry University was held ceremoniously in the Lufeng experimental forest farm of Beijing Forestry University. Zou Guohui, vice president of Beijing Forestry University, Huang Guohua, director of educational administration, Wang Liping, director of science and technology, Liu Xiaofei, deputy director of international exchange and cooperation, Yu Zhiming, president of School of Materials Science and Technology, deputy Secretary of the Party committee ni Xiaoxiao, Vice President mother army, Hu chuankun, secretary of the Party Committee of the experimental forest farm Zhang Xianghui, Chang Sun Fengjun, executive president of Canadian wood industry Huang Huali, senior Director of specifications and standards Zhang Haiyan and other guests attended the signing ceremony.


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△Left: Yu Zhiming, dean of School of Materials, Beijing Forestry University

right: Huang Huali, executive president of Canadian wood industry

yu Zhiming, dean of School of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, and Huang Huali, executive president of Canadian wood industry, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. The signing of this cooperation agreement aims to give full play to their respective advantages, jointly build a cooperation platform for industry, university and research, and widely carry out cooperation and exchange in talents, technology, projects and other aspects in various forms and ways, focus on cooperation in wood structure architectural design, engineering construction, personnel training, technical training and other fields, and make contributions to promoting the healthy and rapid development of wood structure industry and cultivating high-quality wood structure industry talents.

At the signing ceremony, Zou Guohui, vice president of Beijing Forestry University, talked about China's proposal to strive for carbon peak in 2030and carbon neutrality in 2060. Developing green economy is the consensus of the whole world, which needs to actively conform to the global trend of green and low carbon development and actively lay out carbon neutrality. The process of rational utilization of wood is the process of carbon reduction. Vigorously developing wood structure buildings with Wood as the main material is conducive to building our country into "green water and green mountains". Wood structure architecture has great potential in the future. The Institute of Materials set up the professional direction of wood structure materials and engineering in 2016. It is far-sighted and will lay out future industrial education in advance, which will certainly make great contributions to the development of China's wood structure construction industry.


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△ speech by Mr. Zou Guohui, vice president of Beijing Forestry University

huang Huali, executive president of Canadian wood industry, said in his speech that Canadian wood industry and Beilin had a good foundation for cooperation in the past few years, hoping to expand and deepen the cooperation between the two sides through the signing of this cooperation agreement, give full play to their respective advantages and make contributions to cultivating high-quality talents in wood structure industry and promoting the healthy development of wood structure industry. It is hoped that in the near future, more and more North Forest graduates will join in the field of wood structure architecture, together to develop wood structure architecture to help China's green development and ecological civilization construction, and to realize carbon peak, the goal of carbon neutralization makes the contribution of wood structure.


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△ speech by Mr. Huang Huali, executive president of Canadian wood industry

as a century-old school, Beijing Forestry University (hereinafter referred to as "Beilin") is the first batch of "2111 project" key construction colleges and universities in China. The major of Wood Science and Engineering is the first-class discipline construction major in China, in 2016, the professional direction of wood structure materials and engineering was added under the major of Wood Science and Engineering. The purpose was to conform to the national concept and policy of vigorously developing green building materials and assembled wood structures, cultivate senior professionals in wood structure architecture for the industry.

In the wood structure professionals cultivation, Beilin Institute of Materials Science and Technology attaches great importance to practical teaching. In 2019, the college and Canadian wood industry jointly planned to integrate the construction training mode with the professional practice courses of wood structure materials and engineering, and set up a 3-week professional comprehensive practice practice, through the construction and structural design, component processing, on-site construction and other links, students integrate theory with practice, deepen their understanding of professional theories, and improve their comprehensive application ability, it lays a professional foundation for the future work related to the production, design, scientific research and management of this major, and built the first light wood structure demonstration project of Beijing Forestry University with an area of 12 square meters in June 2019.

In May this year, Beilin Institute of Materials Science and Technology cooperated with the actual needs of Beilin Luofeng Experimental Forest Farm to set the comprehensive internship project of wood structure specialty as a 25-square-meter light wood structure safety monitoring room. The building was designed and constructed completely in accordance with the relevant standards and specifications of wooden structures. It started on May 24 and was successfully completed on June 15 with the joint efforts of 19 students and project management teachers. The technical team of Canadian wood industry participated in the whole process and provided technical and material support from design to construction.


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△Teachers and students majoring in wood structure materials and Engineering, School of Materials, Beijing Forestry University practice wood structure Project

the signing coincided with the completion of the internship demonstration project. The main leaders attending the signing ceremony jointly unveiled the project. Professor Yu Zhiming, dean of Beilin School of Materials Science and Technology, delivered a speech. He talked about the combination of this 25-square-meter light wood structure demonstration building project with professional internship courses. The architectural design is fashionable and the wood structure is friendly and comfortable, good livability. The completion of practical projects marks that the professional construction of wood structure materials and engineering has risen to a new level, which will boost the construction of "world-class" specialty and serve the wood structure industry, we have cultivated a group of senior talents who have solid theories and master engineering technology, and have also reserved theories, technologies and experiences for the design and construction of larger-scale wooden structure buildings.


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△Professor Yu Zhiming, dean of Beilin School of Materials Science and Technology, delivered a speech


(Photo Source: Canadian wood Association-public number, invasion and deletion)

△Group photo of completion ceremony

(Source: Canadian wood industry association-public number, invasion and deletion)