Montian Wood Home Furnishing Aesthetics Master Huile Qing Station Ended Successfully

Montian wood home furnishing aesthetics master huile Qing station ended successfully

on June 10, the montian master of wood and home aesthetics, co-sponsored by montian and Tencent home & Shell, entered Leqing, the city of mountains and seas. Again? It is an honor to invite teacher Fang Lei, the pioneer of modern minimalist design and founder of Yishe design, as a guest to share and help home aesthetics masters!


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

wu Zhenghui, president of Yueqing Designers Association, Li Yuelong, secretary general of Yueqing Designers Association, Zhang Liping, general manager of Jinmao Business Plaza, Liang Hanqing, business director of Jinmao Business Plaza, Zhu Xulei, general manager of Eurasian City home, zheng Lingguang, general manager of fulihua decoration, general manager of Qi Li decoration Zhi-Yong Zhao, Wang Xiangzhou, president of good building materials alliance, Zhou Jianhe, president of design institute of home furnishing group, manager of brand management department Jiang Hongju, manager of Zhejiang sales area Cai keen, hu Jianyue, general manager of Leqing montian home furnishing, representative of Tencent home furnishing media, local design elites of Leqing and teacher Fang Lei gathered together to talk about beautiful designs and explore wooden home furnishing aesthetics.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

master sharing · Fang Lei

hit the pain point of living space directly

analyze the way to create livable design

teacher Fang Lei took "design is the way and life is the daily life" as an introduction to inspire the design elites of Yueqing to think about the design of living space with him, and through the constituent elements and diversified demands of living space that designers are familiar with, we analyzed the pain points of living space frequently mentioned by people, in order to analyze how designers should create livable space, this has aroused strong resonance among designers present.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

teacher Fang Lei also shared the detailed history of his case of public welfare transformation of a small apartment on the spot, and shared the valuable experience of multi-dimensional and grounding gas applicable to small spaces for the designers present. The design method of this livable space and the details full of warmth and humanity in the case deeply touched everyone, and the designers expressed that they benefited a lot one after another.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

after the sharing, teacher Fang Lei also invited two designer friends to the stage and had a lively communication with them. The question to them was also "knowing everything and saying everything". He encouraged young designers not to be afraid of exploration and training, and finally they would find a clear and suitable development direction.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

master Jin sentence

design Method of small apartment living space: from large to small, from small to fine, from fine to beautiful. Three key design points: efficiency, flexibility and comfort.

Good design = life style Human Care aesthetic taste prospective thinking.

Three components of living space: home activity space, personal activity space and public activity space.

Montian wood aesthetics continues to upgrade

all-round empowerment to create a dream home

wu Zhenghui, president of Yueqing Designers Association, came to the scene to help the Masters and gave an opening speech for the activity. President Wu affirmed the various efforts made by montian home furnishing group in home design. He said that leading brands like montian can always pay attention to the growth of design power, provide a platform for designers to learn and communicate, and help them better improve their skills and aesthetics, it is a very meaningful thing.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

zhang Liping, general manager of Jinmao Business Plaza, the host of home aesthetics master meeting, also came to the scene to support the activities and delivered a speech on behalf of Jinmao business Plaza. Mr. Zhang expressed her sincere wishes to montian and hoped that the designers of Yueqing could gain and improve in this activity and create a better home life for more consumers.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

montian Zhou Jianhe, president of home furnishing group design institute, attended the event and delivered a speech: He said that montian has always paid close attention to and cherished the power of design. How to use design to bring infinite beauty to public life, it is a topic continuously explored montian. Huizheng, a master of home aesthetics, is a platform for designers to learn, communicate and grow under the drive of this initial intention. It is hoped that through more such activities, beautiful designs and high-quality wood works can be reflected in each other, creating more possibilities for the public to live a healthy and beautiful life.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

montian speech by Zhou Jianhe, president of home furnishing group Design Institute

hu Jianyue, general manager of Leqing montian home furnishing, expressed sincere thanks to all cooperative units in his speech, and thanked them for their collaborative cooperation, which made home furnishing aesthetics Masters get together smoothly. He also said: I hope that DreamDay can work with more excellent designers to create a more high quality home environment for the public.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

speech by Hu Jianyue, general manager of Leqing montian home furnishing

montian Jiang Peixin, design empowerment manager of home furnishing group, made a wonderful sharing for designers and friends of Yueqing on the spot.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

montian home group design empowerment manager Jiang Peixin share

at present, montian has fully opened a new era of strategic upgrading of high-end customized products, and montian's product system has fully completed the cross-dimensional upgrade from wooden doors to wood works. Wooden products with "door and wall cabinet integration" covering entrance door, living room reception, dining room, bedroom storage, coat and cap storage, study ideas, in addition to having "good materials, good design, good craftsmanship, good service", because the water paint coating technology has healthy and environment-friendly properties, and can complement various styles through changeable combination and matching design, it provides designers with enough space and more possibilities. Therefore, more and more designers recommend and use montian products in the design process, and montian water paint is healthy and complete. The concept of "high-end customization, just install and live" is also deeply rooted in the hearts of designers. I hope more designer friends can join hands with montian to contribute value to the user's "decoration of a home.


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

montian wooden · design case

the master assembly of home aesthetics in June came to an end temporarily, but the exploration of design and wood aesthetics never stopped! In July, we will continue to start a new journey!

On July 2, montian, we will join hands with designer Liu Daohua to invite you to go to the streets of Chengdu to explore more beautiful things together! Looking forward to meeting you again!

(Article Source: montian wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

[Extended reading]]

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montian wooden door

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number of stores: 1000-3000 basic investment: 100000-300000

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