What Line of Brand Is Shuangyu Wooden Door, and Which Line of Brand Does Shuangyu Wooden Door Belong to Chongqing?

Wooden door has a very wide range of market demands and bright development prospects, so it has become a hot industry for agents, while feather wooden door has become a hot brand for agents. So how many brands are Feather wooden door? Of course, feather wooden door is a first-line brand. Whether in the whole country or Chongqing, feather wooden door is a first-line brand. Recently, feather wooden doors have also reconstructed the closed loop of terminal growth to design new growth of stores. Let's have a look.

Wooden doors have a very wide range of market demands and bright development prospects, so they have become a hot industry for agents, while double feather wooden doors have become a hot brand for agents. So how many brands are double feather wooden doors? Shuangyu wooden door is of course a first-line brand. Shuangyu wooden door is a first-line brand both in the country and Chongqing. Recently, Shuangyu wooden door has also reconstructed the closed loop of terminal growth to design and empower stores to grow. Let's have a look.

[Shuangyu wooden door is a brand]]

shuangyu wooden door is a real first-line brand in China. It has won many honors such as top-ten enterprises in China's wooden door industry, top ten brands of China's wooden door, and consumers' preferred brands. It quickly opened up its brand awareness, and determine the new marketing ideas.


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shuangyu wooden door confirmed the marketing development ideas of online and offline interactive Unicom in 2016 and built a complete marketing service network. It not only joined the Tmall platform, but also built a strategic alliance with more than 1200 decoration design companies. It laid out direct stores to enter first-line stores such as jueran home, Red Star Macalline, and ouyada, and is the preferred brand for agents.

[Why is Shuangyu wooden door the first choice brand for agents]]

since Shuangyu wooden door started the mode of national tour, it has participated in many industry events in Beijing, Shanghai, Yongkang, Guangzhou and so on, so that its annual investment promotion record is increasing, currently, 200 new franchisees are signed annually on average.


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up to now, Shuangyu wooden door has thousands of agents and more than 400 exhibition centers. Its stores cover the whole country and become the preferred brand for agents. This is not true. Recently, Shuangyu wooden door has begun to adjust its strategy again. Let's have a look.

[Shuangyu design camp · advanced training for terminal designers opens]]

on April 15, 2021, the first phase of "Shuangyu design camp · advanced training for terminal designers" opened. Du Jing, lecturer of Shuangyu Business School, explained in detail the collocation and design problems of Shuangyu wooden door product library in actual design.


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at present, Shuangyu wooden door has constructed a standardized, systematic and modular product system. In the design, customized matching can be realized according to personalized scenes, making the design simpler and more intuitive, improve the transaction rate of single Talk.


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after the detailed explanation, the on-site dealers were given hands-on professional guidance, practical operation training was carried out, and finally homework was left to consolidate the knowledge learned and strengthen skills, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid mapping.

[Fast drawing of feather wooden door]]

feather wooden door flexibly uses cool Jiale VR intelligent interior design platform. Through the research and development of ExaCloud cloud rendering technology, cloud design, BIM, VR, AR, AI and other technologies, the effect picture is generated in 10 seconds, 5 minutes to generate the decoration plan.


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users can search, draw and transform house types online through computers, drag and drop models to carry out interior design, quickly render and predict the decoration effect, and help designers quickly draw pictures.

The cooperation between Shuangyu wooden door and kujiale is believed to add luster to Shuangyu wooden door, and Shuangyu wooden door, as a first-line brand, is still very worthy of agency. So those who want to act as agents of Shuangyu wooden door should hurry up and take action. Now, the opportunity is waiting for no one!

[formstart-brand profit space-cost02-formend]none[/formstart-brand profit space-cost02-formend]

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)