What Color Is the Most Auspicious Security Door? What Are the Details?

Every family will install security doors, and many people in China pay attention to feng shui. So, what color is the most auspicious for security doors? What else do you pay attention? Let's take a look.

Every family will install security doors, and many people in China pay attention to feng shui. So, what color is the most auspicious for security doors? What else do you pay attention? Let's take a look.


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what color is the most auspicious security door? What are the details?


different colors are destined to have different color frequencies, which will affect them. So what color should be used for security doors? This needs to be decided with the housing gate. Under normal circumstances, the security door is outside the door, then the door is inside the security door. There is a cloud in the secret secret of the mystery: "There are many craters, who have a sudden view of death, are born, and even add wealth and happiness". From the door position, the door belongs to the main position, also known as the inside, while the security door belongs to the secondary position, then it is called the outside.

The so-called "born" refers:

(1) security door color five elements big door color five elements, big luck;

(2) the color of the security door is the same as that of the door.

Then, let's talk about "heavy craters".

(1) security door color five elements g door color five elements, fierce;

(2) the color of the gate is Five Elements. The color of the security door is five elements, which is called "leakage" and is also regarded as fierce.

The usual theory refers to the theory that the color of the gate is five elements, and the color of the security door is the main factor of restraint and peace.

Five Elements

in the choice of the color of the security door, it is better to have five elements in the direction of the door, but if you want the color of the door to be different from that of the security door, you can implement such a method: the color of the door is the same as the auspicious color of orientation, while the color of the security door is the same as that of the door. Example: the large facade of the residence is East, and the main gate is cyan or green, while the color of the exterior security door can be black or blue, which is different from the orientation.


in fact, it is not difficult for us to find that there are various design patterns on the security door, which represent different meanings and will affect the Feng Shui fortune of the whole family. Because the security door has various design patterns with different shapes, the security door has five different properties: gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

The security door decorated with round and semi-circular is called "Golden Door"; the anti-theft door mainly based on square decorative patterns is "door"; security doors mainly decorated with diamond, triangle and polygon decorative patterns are considered as "fire doors"; Security doors mainly decorated with rectangle and straight lines are "wooden doors"; the security door with multi-arc, wavy and small circular decoration is "Water Gate".

I didn't expect that there will be so much attention on the anti-theft door. It is really a rising posture!

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