Bathroom Door Facing Kitchen Door How to Crack the Bathroom Door Facing Kitchen Door How to Deal with Feng Shui

Home decoration is a big event at home. If you buy a rough house, you can decorate it according to your favorite pattern. If you buy a second-hand house and encounter the strange pattern of the bathroom door facing kitchen door, it will be a pity. Today, I will tell you how to crack the bathroom door against kitchen door and how to deal with feng shui.

Home decoration is a big event at home. If you buy a rough house, you can decorate it according to your favorite pattern. If you buy a second-hand house and encounter the strange pattern of the bathroom door facing kitchen door, it will be a pity. Today, I will tell you how to crack the bathroom door against kitchen door and how to deal with feng shui.

Bathroom door facing kitchen door feng shui methods of resolution:

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method 1: always pay attention to closing the doors on both sides to reduce the air circulation between the kitchen and the bathroom.

The kitchen is a place where food is made for a family and is the main source of diet. If kitchen door and the bathroom door are right, bacteria will be brought to the kitchen when the air is circulating, it is very bad for the health of the family. From the perspective of Feng Shui, it is also particularly inappropriate.

It is suggested that if there is such a design situation around you, we must resolve this situation in time. Methods of resolution is also relatively simple, which can be resolved by placing plants or placing special items.

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method 2: Place some big green plants on the aisle, or put Chlorophytum and feng shui pendant on the door.

According to the principle of Wuxing Shengke in fengshui, "aquatic wood, wood makes fire", so the pattern of "kitchen door facing the bathroom door" can be resolved by Wood.

For example, if you place some green plants on the aisle between the kitchen and the toilet or put Chlorophytum on the door, you can resolve it. Another way is to hang some feng shui pendant on the door, such as Qing Dynasty five emperors' coins, copper cash for 6 emperors, ten emperors coin or wooden gourd, etc., cut off the direct circulation of kitchen door and toilet door.

If the owner is really taboo about the bathroom door facing kitchen door, or just feels bad and affects the appearance, he can only try these methods.

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treatment method of the bathroom door facing kitchen door:

1. Use soft items to block

using soft articles such as door curtain or screen to block the bathroom door can not only beautify it, but also resolve the embarrassment towards the bathroom door.

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2. Change the position of the bathroom door

the owner can find a way to change the position of the sanitary door. It is better to change the position of the sanitary door from the left to the right, and then make another curio cabinet partition.

PS: It is also possible to use wooden grille, glass partition, half wall, etc. as partition, which not only blocks the bathroom door, but also does not affect the ventilation and lighting here.

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3. Add partitions or washstand to move out

add partitions outside the toilet or move washstand outside, so as to add an isolation area between the toilet and other doors, thus resolving the evil spirit.

Or put the wash basin outside, and arrange the shower room and toilet inside, and separate the two by wall or plaster door panel, which can not only play the role of resolving feng shui, but also be more convenient to use, thus, the bathroom is dry and tidy.

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4. Make the bathroom door invisible

if you don't see it as clear, change the toilet into a invisible door and hide it in the wall. The invisible door is closed for a long time, which can also prevent the dirty gas in the toilet from leaking out.

After reading the above introduction to the treatment method of the bathroom door facing kitchen door and feng shui methods of resolution, the bathroom door at home faces the kitchen door pattern. Go and try it.

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