Acceptance Specifications and Standards for Doors and Windows | China Construction Doors and Windows

Door and window acceptance is learned everywhere. Acceptance is a particularly critical step in door and window service. A slight negligence will greatly reduce the product experience effect. Therefore, during the whole installation process of doors and windows, we must track them in place to ensure that every link can save energy and make customers receive professional and satisfactory products.

It is the most basic responsibility of every door and window brand to select suitable door and window products for customers. So how to make sure whether the doors and windows you bought are good products? Don't panic, pay attention to the following questions when checking and accepting.

01. Inspection of door leaf and Casement

the surface quality of aluminum alloy doors and windows directly affects the decorative effect of the whole wall after installation. The appearance inspection of aluminum alloy doors and windows includes whether there are cracks on the surface, deformation and installation inspection of window rubber. The following are the specific operations of the inspection:

door inspection

check whether the gloss and surface of the doors and windows are obviously uneven in color, and then measure the size of the doors and windows with a ruler to check whether there is deformation and whether there are scratches.


(Image Source: China construction doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

inspection of sealing strip

the contact between the sealing strip and the glass and glazing rebate should be flat, and no curling or groove should be allowed. The layering with sealing strip must be tightly attached to the glass, and there should be no obvious gap at the joint between the layering and the profile, the joint gap should be less than or equal to 1mm.

02. Door and window frame inspection

the installation quality of door and window frame directly affects the firmness of the whole door and window. The inspection of door and window frame can be checked from its firmness, smoothness and tightness.


(Image Source: China construction doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

border vertical flatness check

check the verticality range of the door and window frame with vertical measuring scale. Generally, the allowable deviation of the vertical and lateral verticality of the door and window frame is 2.5mm, and the allowable horizontal deviation of the horizontal frame of the door and window is 2mm, the allowable deviation of horizontal frame height of doors and windows is 5mm, and the allowable deviation of vertical deviation from center of doors and windows is 5mm.

Strict density inspection of wall connection

check whether the joints between the door and window frame and the wall are tight. The edge of the door and window frame can be checked with a combination of reflector and extension tube.

03. Check the functions of doors and windows

1. The doors and windows are pushed and pulled smoothly, the surface is smooth and clean, there are no serious scratches, and the profiles are not cracked or broken;

2. Gold accessories, complete, correct position and firm;

3. Sealing quality. When doors and windows are closed, the fan and frame have no obvious gap. The sealing strip is not loose, does not fall off or exposed;

4. Door and window frame, vertical fan, not curved;


(Image Source: China construction doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

5. Glass has no pollution, no damage, double glass interlayer has no dust and moisture, and the separation strip is even;

6. Whether the window drain hole is connected, the water will flow into the profile if it is not connected.

04. Precautions for door and window acceptance

1. The installed doors and windows should be closed tightly and the gap should be uniform; The deviation of the parallelism between the doors and windows and the frame or the vertical edge of the adjacent fan should not exceed 2mm. The doors and windows should be opened flexibly and can be used freely;

2. Push and pull the doors and windows, see if the slide is installed smoothly, pay attention to the phenomenon of no concave and convex, gently push the doors and windows, should slide freely;

3. The verticality of the window frame is best measured by horizontal ruler; You can also push and pull the Casement to the position close to the window frame, leaving a little gap. At this time, you can look at the upper, middle, whether the gap is the same size. If the gap between the upper, middle and lower is as big, it means that the window frame is installed vertically; Otherwise, the window frame is not vertical;


(Image Source: China construction doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

4. Casement whether walking on the window frame track is slippery or not, and whether it is quiet (it depends on the quality of the pulley);

5. Flat open series, whether it is light to open or close; Whether it is tight after closing;

6. Whether car window shade push and pull are light, and whether walking is smooth;

7, glass, good quality glass without spots, no water lines (hollow glass also depends on whether the glass is clear and clean);

8. Check the hardware, whether it is light in use and whether it feels good;

9. Treatment of gap between window frame and wall. According to the construction requirements, there is at least 1cm gap between the window frame and the wall, which is convenient for building glue filling (first use Styrofoam to fill the gap, at least 90 minutes, to flatten the running foam, then use waterproof adhesive for surface treatment).

Door and window acceptance is learned everywhere. Acceptance is a particularly critical step in door and window service. A slight negligence will greatly reduce the product experience effect. Therefore, during the whole installation process of doors and windows, we must track them in place to ensure that every link can save energy and make customers receive professional and satisfactory products.

(Article Source: China construction doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)