What Brand Is Shuangyu Wooden Door? Shuangyu Wooden Door Won the Top Ten Brands of Wooden Door for Four Consecutive Years

Wooden door is an industry closely related to people's lives. Basically, every household will install wooden door. The huge market demand has attracted the attention of many investment agents. However, there are many brands in the wooden door industry. Which one is better to join?

Wooden door is an industry closely related to people's lives. Basically, every household will install wooden door. The huge market demand has attracted the attention of many investment agents. However, there are many brands in the wooden door industry. Which one is better to join?

Recently, China Building Materials Network announced that Shuangyu wooden door won the honor of "top ten brands of wooden door in 2020" by virtue of its strong comprehensive strength, this is also the honor that Shuangyu wooden door has won for four consecutive years. It is not only a demonstration of brand strength, but also the support and recognition of Shuangyu wooden door by industry and market.


Shuangyu wooden door was founded in 2007. With the idea of "fashion wooden door light assembly", it is committed to becoming a first-class high-end and fashionable wooden door brand in the industry. In the course of more than ten years of rapid development, Shuangyu wooden door has won hundreds of honors such as China wooden door top-ten enterprises, China's top ten brands of wooden door, consumers' preferred brand, modern style Design Award, etc, win the favor of millions of consumers and become the brand that the majority of investors pay attention.

How about joining Shuangyu wooden door?

I. Teacher training helps you grow up quickly

shuangyu business school builds a comprehensive and scientific curriculum system, which helps you quickly and fully complete your marketing practical skills with one-on-one assistance, one-year assistance plan for new stores, exhibition hall design, sales escort, etc.

① store training: store construction, product display, store sales, promotional activities, etc.

② Channel training: channel development, channel construction, channel management, etc.

③ team training: team management, talent promotion, salary system, etc.


(The picture comes from the official website of Shuangyu wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

second, from building a store to opening, help the whole process

during the establishment of the store, Shuangyu wooden door has a complete set of models for rapid establishment of the store, the construction of landing samples and the implantation of SI system...... Help dealers build more high-end and fashionable stores and use good-looking store designs to attract consumers' attention.

During the opening period, Shuangyu wooden door tailored the opening plan for the franchisees, coupled with the strong drainage of the Tmall flagship store, helped the store to open and become popular.

During the follow-up operation, Shuangyu wooden door will continue to conduct all-round training on the operation, management, sales and products of distributors, and send professional marketing teams to provide in-store guidance to help distributors operate smoothly.

3. Successful store cases and rich practical experience sharing

with the support of Shuangyu wooden door's strong brand power, product power and support power, Shuangyu wooden door has successfully built a group of excellent dealer stores. Every year, Shuangyu wooden door will organize a dealer conference to let excellent dealers share their experiences and provide a good communication platform for dealers.

-- Shuangyu wooden door Anyang store


(The picture comes from the official website of Shuangyu wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

-- Shuangyu wooden door Suzhou store


(The picture comes from the official website of Shuangyu wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

if you also want to have such a high-end and fashionable exclusive store, Shuangyu wooden door welcomes you to join! Interested friends can leave a message below the article for detailed information!

(The article comes from the Internet and is invaded and deleted)