Who Has Done the Paya Door and Window Project? What Is the Official Website?

Who has done the Paya door and window project? What is the official website of Paiya doors and windows? At present, there are many kinds of brands in the home building materials market. Generally, friends who want to invest in franchise stores do not know where to choose?

Who has done the Paya door and window project? What is the official website of Paiya doors and windows? At present, there are many kinds of brands in the home building materials market. Generally, friends who want to invest in franchise stores do not know where to choose?

Requirements for joining Paiya doors and windows

1. Good brand management ability, agree with our business philosophy;

2. Have long-term brand experience awareness;

3. Have sufficient funds and confidence to ensure the completion of the basic sales tasks formulated by the company;

4. Create image stores that meet our standards and have a basically mature network Foundation for distributors;

5. Have certain enterprise management ability and team building experience;

6. Good after-sales service management and control ability, independent installation team, able to timely and properly handle customer complaints;

7. Experience in regional marketing of products in this industry, preferably sales experience of similar products;

8. Have certain professional market, operation and management experience, be familiar with relevant markets and have relevant data advantages;

9. Have good business reputation, professionalism and personal reputation;

the above information is for reference only. Please leave a message online or call us to predict the joining conditions of Paiya doors and windows.

Basic information of Paiya doors and windows joining

basic investment: 300000-500000

number of stores: 300-500

brand name: Paiya doors and windows

brand creation Time: 1990

joining agent area: Nationwide

suitable for people: self-employment youth entrepreneurship

appreciation of Paiya door and window products

paiya doors and windows product effect diagram 2017 Guangzhou construction Expo exhibition products


(Image Source: Paiya doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

paiya doors and windows picture elegant 70 series Broken Bridge insulation band aluminum mesh sliding window


(Image Source: Paiya doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

gray lifting hollow sliding door decoration effect diagram Paiya door and window picture


(Image Source: Paiya doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

the information about joining the Paiya doors and windows project is the above. For more information about Paiya doors and windows, you can directly visit the official website of Paiya doors and windows or call us for consultation!