Entry Door What Color Is the Most Auspicious Entry Door Pick Shape Taboo

The door, which is necessary to enter and exit, is a sign of the separation of the inner and outer space and the throat pass into the room, so it is called "Portal". Today, let's talk about what color is the most auspicious among entry door and feng shui when selecting entry door, and what is the most exquisite shape of entry door.

The door, which is necessary to enter and exit, is a sign of the separation of the inner and outer space and the throat pass into the room, so it is called "Portal". The entrance door is the place where all people, money and things must go in and out. Its feng shui is good and fierce, which directly affects the overall House Transportation and family fortune. Therefore, thirty articles of debate said: "The first door of Yangzhai is heavy, big door is also the air port!" Today, let's talk about what color is the most auspicious among entry door and feng shui when selecting entry door, and what is the most exquisite shape of entry door.

Entry door and Feng Shui: entry door what shape to choose

as the shape of the gate, feng shui is not suitable for arched door. The portal should not be damaged, the door crack is too large, or the threshold is broken. For more information, see below.

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The gate cannot be made into an arch. It looks like a tombstone, which is very auspicious.

Second, the portal cannot be damaged, cracked, or painted.

The ancients said that "the House takes the portal as the Crown belt", which shows that the gate has the function of displaying images. As for the feng shui of the gate, the first thing is good appearance. The Gate is the face of the building. There are holes, cracks, paint peeling, rotting and skewing of the door frame on the door. On the one hand, it means that there are obstacles in entering the account at ordinary times, on the other hand, it is also representative of the false fire, and there are often diseases such as mouth broken ulcer; Thirdly, it will also affect family harmony, and there are many contradictions and quarrels between family members.

When the portal is damaged, cracked and cracked, and the door frame is rotten and skewed, it should be repaired in time. If it is temporarily unable to repair and continue to use, it should be resolved by the five elements of the online wealth God network. It can adjust the feng shui and avoid the evil. The five elements gossip and blessing town house, urging the Feng Shui atmosphere, the five elements circulation to flourish, the five elements circulation to generate wealth, regulating the harmony between yin and yang to protect peace, and the harmony between yin and yang to prosper the house. In addition, please carry yin and yang five elements charm on the online God of Wealth Network, or put them in cabinets such as bedroom bedside tables to protect the gods and peaceful & auspicious.

Third, the door gap is too large and the money is lost.

In household Geomatics, if the door crack is too large and the door cannot be closed, it will mainly deflate the air and leak the wealth, which is similar to the Feng Shui effect that the person who leaks the wealth will not gather the wealth. The gap of the door is too large to leak money, which affects the fortune. At the same time, please open the online wealth God network to make up the wealth Library symbol and urge the wealth to good luck. On the other hand, it is easy to have descendants of rabbit lips at home.

Four non-threshold fracture or crack

the threshold is called "closing bar" on the wind and water, which is one of the subsidiary structures of the gate. It can clearly separate the external gas field from the internal gas field of the residence, which hinders the invasion of the external feng shui, as well as the effect of preventing the outflow of indoor wealth and feng shui aura, it is very important for residential feng shui. The practical value of the threshold can also be windproof and waterproof, and can also block all kinds of crawlers from entering the room. Special attention should be paid to the construction of the threshold: the color of the threshold must be matched with the color of the gate and placed properly. Attention should be paid to prevent the threshold from breaking or cracking. If the threshold is broken and cracked, it is the same as the fault of the girder of the house, which leads to the stagnation of the luck of the house. If the threshold is broken, it must be replaced in time. If it cannot be repaired for the time being and continue to be used, the five elements of the online wealth God network should be resolved with the cooperation of yin and yang and Five Elements charm to avoid the evil.

5. The two door panels to be opened should be the same size. The left, the right and the small will be unfavorable to the health of the hostess, the right and the left will be unfavorable to the health of the male host, or lead to the situation that the couple are unwilling and the family conflicts are not numerous,

6. For entry door of a single fan, the door opening direction must be consistent with the indoor door opening direction such as bedroom door and kitchen door. The door opening cannot be left-open door or right.

7. The door should not be opened more. If it is opened more, the gas will be scattered. Generally, there is only one city apartment in entry door, but the houses in the countryside are not necessarily. Feng shui theory believes that many householders are easy to recruit thieves and spend more money. There are at most three doors in a house, namely the front door, the back door and the side door. If there are more than three, the Lord has more words of right and wrong, and money cannot be retained. Do not open two doors in the same direction, form one door in and one door out, return to the original position in a circle, and make a return to the wind. There are many people in the main house, father and son are not in harmony, husband and wife, brothers are not harmonious.

VIII, entry door cannot be smaller than inner door. Bedroom door, kitchen door, etc. cannot be higher than entry door, or wider than entry door. The gate should be the highest and largest among all doors, at least not lower than the indoor room door, otherwise it is not conducive to the health of family members and family fortune.

9. Do not use transparent doors for the gate. The glass door is too transparent, so it is not good to be discouraged.

10. Avoid different axes of the same door. As the saying goes, "the same door has different axes, and the family is not concentric". There is another security door outside the door, which requires the same size, coaxial center and opening the door in the same direction.

Entry door and Feng Shui: entry door what color is the most auspicious

as the appearance color of the gate is good for feng shui, red and black of the gate or the color of the gate should be avoided. Red and Black the color of the gate or the gate is eight characters and Five Elements. Please resolve the five elements of the online God of Wealth Network with Yin and Yang and Five Elements charm.

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In any case, the color of the gate is black, bright red, and dark blue. The black color is too heavy, giving people a feeling of depression and heaviness. In addition, the black feng shui is not conducive to hiding the wind and getting angry, revealing the lifeless atmosphere. It is not suitable to recruit good luck. Over time, it affects the family fortune and is not conducive to creating a harmonious family atmosphere.

The color of the gate is bright red, which easily makes family members impetuous and quarrel with each other endlessly, affecting family relations. In addition, bright red is difficult to attract luck, so black and big red are taboo for the door color.

Dark blue is a negative color, which can breed depression, depression, easy to recruit Yin Qi, disease, and signs of wealth breaking.

The khaki gate is not good either, because the two fierce stars, the two evil stars of the second black and the five yellow evil stars, belong to the soil. When these two flying stars fly to the gate, the color of the gate also belongs to soil, which increases the role of fierce stars. It is easy to affect the health of family members, so it is not suitable to use khaki doors.

Second, the color of the gate is not allowed. The owner has eight characters and Five Elements.

The master's five elements of Gold Life, the door color should be white, gold, silver, cyan, green, yellow, brown, avoid using the color of fire life.

Wooden life, the door color should be cyan, green, yellow, brown, brown, gray, blue, avoid using the color of golden life.

Water life, the gate color should be gray, blue, red, orange, white, gold, silver, avoid using the color of Earth life.

Fire life, the door color should be red, orange, white, gold, silver, cyan, green, avoid using water life color.

Earth life, the gate color should be yellow, brown, gray, blue, red, orange, purple, avoid using wood life color.

Among entry door and feng shui, entry door is selected. Entry door is the most auspicious color and entry door is the shape. You can pay attention to it.

(Article Source: online God of Wealth online WeChat, invasion and deletion)