What Material Is Good for Wooden Door? What Are the Types of Wooden Doors?

Related knowledge about wooden doors this website has been popular science. If you are interested, you can search for it. What popular science is for everyone today is what material is good for wooden doors.

Related knowledge about wooden doors this website has been popular science. If you are interested, you can search for it. What popular science is for everyone today is what material is good for wooden doors.

Divided by purpose

such as door, bedroom door, book door, kitchen door, bathroom door, etc., according to different uses, specifications, styles, and performance have different requirements.

The door is the first to enter and exit. Due to the large items entering and leaving, the specification and size are required to be relatively large. Generally, the hole size is from 1000mm to 1200mm, and the width of the door is about 920mm, large doors (3:7 ratio) are used, and the safety of entry and exit and the traditional Tibetan habits of architecture are also considered. Except for special requirements, glass doors are generally not used.

Bedroom door emphasizes privacy, so most of them use panel doors. The hole size is 900mm, less than the door, and the door leaf is about 820mm. The book door can be light-transmitting, full glass door or semi-glass door, as well as frosted, cloth, color stripes, electric engraving and other Art Glass, with the same specifications as bedroom door.

Kitchen door can be worn or half-worn. The door opening is slightly smaller than that of bedroom and book door, generally 750mm to 800mm, and the door leaf specification is generally 670 mm720mm. The bathroom door can only transmit light but not see-through. Double-sided grinding or dark fog glass should be installed. Bathroom door size is the same as kitchen.


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divided by material

according to the door type and process:

there are full glass doors, half glass doors, plate doors, cross-band veneer doors, etc. The full glass door has only four sides and docks, and the other large areas are made of glass;

the half glass door is upper half part glass, and the lower half is plate type, which has proper transparency; The whole body of plate type door is closed type, which is mostly used for door and bedroom door, and is the main variety of door;

cross-band veneer door is equipped with one or more pieces of cross-band veneer in the middle of the door, which is convex and has strong three-dimensional artistry. It is one of the forms of traditional doors.

Wooden doors are classified by paint:

i. Paint: (paint doors are divided into two categories, clear oil and mixed oil)

1) clear oil: There are two kinds of paint quality, one is fully enclosed paint. The surface of fully enclosed paint is smooth and bright. When touching by hand, the paint surface is full and smooth, and the wood grain itself cannot be felt sculptural feel. The other is called semi-closed paint. This kind of paint is exactly the opposite of fully closed paint. Visually speaking, its wood grain effect is outstanding, with strong texture and real wood grain feeling, when touching by hand, the surface will be uneven with the change of wood grain.

2) oil mixing: according to different requirements, paint with different colors is sprayed, the surface is smooth, there is no texture with wooden effect, and the paint color is the main color.


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the surface of the painted door is smooth and bright. When selecting, pay attention to whether the paint surface looks full, the color is uniform and the saturation is good. When touching the paint surface by hand, you can use your nails to gently stroke the paint surface in the hidden place of the door to test whether the paint film is flintiness resistant to abrasion and scratch, A good paint film will not scratch if it is slightly scratched.

Have you understood all the above related knowledge points? I wish you can choose your favorite wooden door.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)