Anshan Broken Bridge Aluminum Brand Which Is Good

The biggest one is "Yuhong" and the best one is "Tianyi"

No one is authentic. The franchise of Zhongwang means that his family only makes Zhongwang profiles and other profiles, which is called franchise. In fact, Liaoyang Zhongwang group only makes materials and does not make finished windows. The so-called Zhongwang franchise store is not an ad hoc processing factory of Zhongwang group. They have nothing to do with Zhongwang. The reason why we specialize is just to raise ourselves by using Zhongwang.
To say who did well. It is important to choose a door and window manufacturer that attaches great importance to quality and reputation. Besides profiles, doors and windows also consist of hardware hollow glass sealant strips, while Zhongwang does not produce the above parts. However, there are many manufacturers producing the above accessories, and the price and quality are also very different, which can be divided into domestic and imported ones. Generally, it is common, and door and window factories can choose it at will. The quality key lies in the advantages and disadvantages of hardware parts and the production technology of doors and windows. There is also the "three-point production and seven-point installation" known in the industry. It can be seen that the technical level and professional quality of installation personnel are more important.