Which Color Is the Most Auspicious for the Door at Home?

As we all know, the gate is a crucial part of home decoration. The color and feng shui of the gate can have a great impact on the fortune of the residents. The feng shui of the gate depends on the size, color, orientation and other factors.

As we all know, the gate is a crucial part of home decoration. The color and feng shui of the gate can have a great impact on the fortune of the residents. The feng shui of the gate depends on the size, color, orientation and other factors. So no matter in style or color, many people are uncertain about what color to choose for the gate, then which color is the most auspicious? Let's take a look.


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five elements happy color

first, the master's five elements Xi Jin: the auspicious colors of the gate are green, green, yellow, brown, white, gold and silver.

Second, the master five elements Xi Mu: the auspicious colors of the gate are green, green, yellow, brown, brown, gray and blue.

Third, the master's five elements of joy water: the auspicious colors of the gate are white, gold, silver, gray, blue, red and orange.

Four, the master five elements like fire: the auspicious colors of the gate are white, gold, silver, green, green, red and orange.

5. The master's five elements are happy with the Earth: the auspicious colors of the gate are yellow, brown, gray, blue, red and orange.


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the colors of eight home doors

1. Wooden orientation: Zhengdong, Southeast; XI: green, green, black, blue; Avoid: gold, white, red, purple.

Colors that do not work in home Feng Shui: yellowish brown and Brown

2. Fire orientation: Zhengnan; Hi: green, green, red, purple; Avoid: black, blue, khaki, Brown.

Colors that do not work in home Feng Shui: gold, white

3. Soil orientation: Southwest and Northeast China; Hi: red, purple, yellowish brown, brown; Avoid: green, green, gold, white.

Colors that do not work in home Feng Shui: black, blue

4. Gold orientation: Northwest of the West; XI: yellowish brown, coffee, gold, white; Avoid: gold, white, black, blue.

Colors that do not work in home Feng Shui: Green and cyan

5. Water orientation; True North; Hi: gold, white, black, blue; Avoid: yellowish brown, coffee, green, cyan.

Colors that do not work in home Feng Shui: red and purple


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the above introduces you to the knowledge about which color is the most auspicious for the door at home, hoping to help you with your choice. The feng shui of the gate is directly related to the feng shui of the home, so we should pay attention to the feng shui of the gate. Only in this way can we create a good home!

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