Is King Kong Car Window Shade Good Or Invisible Car Window Shade Good?

Now when decorating and installing windows, many people will choose to install car window shade, which is not only anti-mosquito and windproof, but also anti-theft. Today, I will introduce to you whether King Kong car window shade is good or invisible car window shade is good? Come and have a look.

Now when decorating and installing windows, many people will choose to install car window shade, which is not only anti-mosquito and windproof, but also anti-theft. Today, I will introduce to you whether King Kong car window shade is good or invisible car window shade is good? Come and have a look.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

king Kong car window shade advantages

1. It can resist various severe weather or environmental corrosion factors (such as acid rain damage) for a long time and is easy to care.

2. It has good anti-corrosion effect. Even if it is often exposed to the sun and rain, it can be used for more than ten years without the problems of rust and steel wire softening and falling off.

3. The hardness is relatively high, and it is difficult to tear without a large external impact force, so it is also very good in terms of anti-theft. If there are children in the family, it can not only be used as a protective net, but also prevent mosquitoes, insects and theft.

4. King Kong car window shade is more intensive and has a good anti-mosquito effect. Although the compilation is dense, it does not affect lighting and scenery. Car window shade of this material can be seen clearly indoors and outdoors.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

invisible car window shade advantages

1. Beautiful appearance and rigorous structure

2. Easy to use and store

3. Wide application range, corrosion resistance, high strength, anti-aging, good fire resistance, do not need paint coloring.

4. It has anti-static function, does not touch gray, and has good air permeability.

5. Good light transmission performance

is King Kong car window shade good or invisible car window shade good?

If it is a project purchase, it is generally subject to the lowest price invisible car window shade. There is no potential safety hazard in the windows at home. You only need to install a set of invisible car window shade to be OK. Users with high floors and owners of villas in the outer suburbs should pay attention to it, the potential safety hazard of children falling from the building and the problem of preventing thieves and thieves cannot be ignored! So as long as there is a need for safety protection or anti-theft at home, King Kong car window shade is definitely the most suitable product, and the service life of King Kong car window shade is very long.

After reading the above content, have you learned it?

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)