Which Is Better, Multi-Layer Solid Wood Door Or Solid Wood Composite Door? What Are the Differences?

The diversity of products on the market provides people with more choices. However, because of the diversity of products, sometimes the candidates are dazzling and do not know how to choose, accidentally stepped on the pit, as far as wooden doors are concerned, there are several kinds, among which the application of multi-layer solid wood door and solid wood composite wood is the most common, so which is better, multi-layer solid wood door or solid wood composite door?

The diversity of products on the market provides people with more choices. However, because of the diversity of products, sometimes the candidates are dazzling and do not know how to choose, accidentally stepped on the pit, as far as wooden doors are concerned, there are several kinds, among which the application of multi-layer solid wood door and solid wood composite wood is the most common, so which is better, multi-layer solid wood door or solid wood composite door? Next, let's share some related knowledge.


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what is a multi-layer solid wood door?

Multi-layer solid wood refers to the natural solid wood boards made of multi-layer wooden door. This kind of door is mainly processed through drying, assembling, polishing, painting and other processes. However, solid wood composite door is made of doors made of two or more materials, with density plate and solid wood veneer attached outside. Then, the manager is made after hot pressing at high temperature, and wooden moulding is used for edge sealing.


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what is solid wood composite door?

Solid wood composite door is the most common door in wooden doors, and it is also the most cost-effective wooden door. The door core of solid wood composite door is mostly made of pine, fir or imported filling materials. It is pasted with density plate and solid wood veneer. It is made after hot pressing at high temperature and edge sealing with wooden moulding. General high-grade solid wood composite door, the door core is mostly high quality white-barked pine, the surface is solid wood veneer. Due to the small density, light weight and easy control of moisture content of white-barked pine, the weight of finished doors is relatively light, and it is not easy to deform and crack. In addition, solid wood composite door also has the characteristics of heat preservation, impact resistance, flame retardant and so on, and the sound insulation effect is basically the same as that of solid wood door.

Solid wood multi-layer and solid wood composite door have the characteristics of low carbon and environmental protection. Compared with other categories, the price of solid wood door is relatively expensive, but it is visually and textured with more solid wood performance. Solid wood composite door is cheaper than solid wood door, and also has the characteristics of good sound insulation, environmental protection, easy repair, etc. The choice of solid wood door and solid wood composite door needs to be made according to the actual situation to ensure that healthy and environment-friendly wooden doors with high cost performance can be purchased.

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the focus of each consumer is different, so which kind of wooden door to choose can be selected according to its actual situation and place of use, I hope the knowledge shared above will be helpful to everyone!

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