What Material Is Steel Wooden Door? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Steel Wooden Door?

Different types of door and window products have different functions. The entry door in our family usually pay attention to anti-theft, safety, sound insulation, etc., inner door pay attention to sound insulation, beauty, shape, style, etc. The steel wooden door introduced in this article are divided into two types, one is indoor steel wooden door, the other is armored door; The steel wooden door is developed from security doors, and the main material is the combination of steel plate and wood.

There are many kinds of products on the market. Different products have different functions. Entry door generally pay attention to anti-theft, safety, sound insulation and so on, inner door pay attention to sound insulation, beauty, shape, style and so on. The steel wooden door we want to introduce in this article are divided into two types, one is indoor steel wooden door and the other is armored door; It is developed from security doors, and the main material is the combination of steel plate and wood.

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1. What material is steel wooden door?

Literally speaking from "steel wooden door", steel wooden door is a door made of steel and wood mixed together. Because wooden doors are relatively fragile and easy to be damaged, people want to add a layer of steel to wooden doors to achieve the anti-theft effect. Steel wooden door is mainly covered with steel plate on the outer layer and filled with wood plate inside. The outer steel plate is relatively hard, which is not easy to be damaged. It is more economical and convenient to fill it with wood boards, and it also has a certain sound insulation effect.

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II. Advantages and disadvantages of steel wooden door

1. The outside of steel wooden door is mainly covered by steel structure, so its hardness is relatively large, its fighting ability is relatively strong, and it is not easy to deform.

2. Because steel wooden door is filled with some wood inside, it has better sound insulation effect.

3. Steel is relatively expensive, but the filling of wood in it will reduce the price of the door, which is economical and practical.

4. Because steel and wood are relatively environmentally friendly materials, they do not produce toxic and harmful gases and do no harm to human health.

5. Because it is made of steel and wood, the patterns and styles in the production process are also changeable, so there are many kinds to choose from.

6. Door set is a multi-layer board, and the surface treatment film is too easy to fall off, the door shape is too rigid, and the cold rolled plate oxidation is fast.

7. Due to its special material, it is generally heavy, and the requirements for door set and hinge are correspondingly higher.

8. In order to make a better combination of steel and wood, the requirements for steel and wood boards are also relatively high, and the requirements for technological production are also high.

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through the above introduction about the material, advantages and disadvantages of steel wooden door, I believe everyone knows its characteristics, so will you choose steel wooden door after reading the article?

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