What Color Is the Most Auspicious Gate? What Color Should I Choose for the Gate?

The gate is the first impression that a family displays to the outside world, so the choice of color is particularly important. Today, from the perspective of five elements, it is better to say what color the gate chooses.

The gate is the first impression that a family displays to the outside world, so the choice of color is particularly important. Today, from the perspective of five elements, it is better to say what color the gate chooses.

The eight directions of east, south, west, north, Southeast, Northeast, Southwest and Northwest all belong to different five elements: the east and southeast are the directions of wood; The South is the direction of fire; southwest and Northeast are the orientation of soil; West and Northwest are the orientation of gold; North is the orientation of water.

Then follow the principle of "wood fire, fire soil, native gold, gold water, aquatic Wood; Water fire, fire gold, gold wood, wood soil, and soil water:

the East Gate (Zhenfang) belongs to wood, and the southeast gate (Zhenfang) also belongs to wood. Everyone likes water to come together and wood to help each other; Avoid gold to come together and fire to drain consumption; Soil has little influence on it, medium. In terms of the five elements of color, the color of the gate is black, blue (all five elements belong to water) Green, Green (all five elements belong to wood) avoid Gold, White (all five elements belong to gold) red, purple, orange (all five elements belong to fire) idle yellow and brown (all five elements belong to soil)


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the South Gate (leaving the side) belongs to fire, and Xi Mu comes to each other and fire to help each other; Avoid water coming to each other and soil to drain the consumption; Gold has little influence on it, which is medium. The color of the gate is the green and green of wood, the red, purple and orange of fire; Avoid the black and blue of water, the yellow and brown of soil; The gold and white of leisure.

Southwest Gate (kunfang) belongs to the soil, and Northeast Gate (Gongfang) also belongs to the soil. Everyone likes fire to live together and soil to help each other; Avoid wood to live together and gold to drain consumption; Water has little influence on it, medium. The color of the gate is like red, purple and orange of fire, yellow and brown of soil; Avoid green and green of wood, gold and white of gold; Black and blue of water.

Ximen (Exchange party) belongs to gold, Northwest Gate (dry Party) also belongs to gold, and everyone likes to come together and help each other. Avoid fire and water to drain consumption. Wood has little influence on it, which is medium. The color of the gate is yellow and brown, gold and white. Avoid the red, purple and orange of fire, and the black and blue of water. The green and green of Xianyu Wood.

The north gate (Kang Fang) belongs to water. I like Jin to live together and water to help. It is not allowed to drain the consumption from the Earth and the wood. The fire has little effect on it, which is medium. The color of the gate is gold and white, and black and blue of water. Avoid the yellow and brown of the soil, which belong to the green and green of wood. Xian belongs to the red, purple and orange of fire.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

gate Five Elements

golden Life gate auspicious colors: white, gold, silver, yellow and brown. Auspicious colors of wooden life Gate: green, green, black and blue. Water life door auspicious color: black, blue, white, gold, silver. Auspicious colors of fire gate: red, orange, purple, green and green. Auspicious colors of the Earth gate: yellow, brown, red, orange and purple.

Gate color and Five Elements

1. Wooden orientation: Zhengdong, Southeast; XI: green, green, black, blue; Avoid: gold, white, red, purple. Colors that do not work in the home: yellowish brown and Brown.

2. Fire orientation: Zhengnan: Hi: green, green, red, purple; Avoid: black, blue, khaki, Brown. Colors that do not work in the home: gold and white.

3. Soil orientation: Southwest and Northeast China; Hi: red, purple, yellowish brown, brown; Avoid: green, green, gold, white. Colors that do not work in the home: black and blue.

4. Gold orientation: Northwest of the West; XI: yellowish brown, coffee, gold, white; Avoid: gold, white, black, blue. The color that does not work in the home: cyan.

5. Water orientation: zhengbei: Xi: gold, white, black, blue; Avoid: yellowish brown, coffee, green, cyan.

Now do you know how to choose the color of the gate? Pay more attention to this website and get more decoration knowledge.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)