How to Renovate the Old Wooden Door? You Will Understand after Reading It

So how to renovate the old wooden door? Today, Xiao Bian will tell you how to renovate is the best. Friends who are interested in the renovation of old wooden doors must have a look ~

wooden door is a kind of wood commonly used at home, and there will definitely be some loss problems after using it for a long time, but we will feel pity if we want to throw it away, many people will choose to renovate the wooden door at this time. So how to renovate the old wooden door? Today, Xiao Bian will tell you how to renovate is the best. Friends who are interested in the renovation of old wooden doors must have a look ~

how to renovate old wooden doors

renovation steps of old wooden doors 1,

use fine sandpaper to polish the old wooden door on the surface, and then paint it. As the finished wooden door is waxed, the wood is rich in grease. After polishing, it is more convenient to paint. The grinding process will not damage the quality of wooden door products, so consumers can safely renovate.

Renovation steps of old wooden doors 2,

remove the handle and other accessories of the original wooden door to make the wooden door refurbished and painted more evenly, and avoid product scratches. Then use sandpaper to polish the surface of the wooden door again, and the corner of the wooden door cannot be polished too much. Then scrub the surface of the wooden door with a wet cloth to clean the polished powder, which is convenient for painting and providing adhesion.

Renovation steps of old wooden doors 3,

then remove the old wooden door, which is convenient to paint and put it in a relatively empty room for renovation. Avoid soiling the home space and make it convenient for the master to construct. If the wooden door is not disassembled and sprayed directly on the surface, it will lead to uneven paint on the surface, affecting the decorative effect and performance.

Old wooden door renovation steps 4,

after painting, let the wooden door dry naturally, then paint it again, which needs to be done three times roughly. After the natural dry, install the handle, lock and other accessories. The wooden door is renovated.

What is introduced above is the specific introduction of the renovation steps of old wooden doors when the wooden doors are renovated. Through the above information about how to renovate old wooden doors, do you know more about how to renovate old wooden doors?

(Article Source:, invasion and deletion)