What Is the Official Website of Famous Wooden Door? What Are the Requirements for Joining?

What is the official website of famous wooden door? What are the requirements for joining? Chongqing Mingfeng Furniture Co., Ltd. is located in the new city industrial group of industrial corridor, street town, Changshou district, Changshou district, Chongqing. It has been gaining a firm foothold in the industry with its own strength and has a good development. If you intend to become a door and window agent, you may give priority to famous wooden doors.

What is the official website of famous wooden door? What are the requirements for joining? Chongqing Mingfeng Furniture Co., Ltd. is located in the new city industrial group of industrial corridor, street town, Changshou district, Changshou district, Chongqing. It has been gaining a firm foothold in the industry with its own strength and has a good development. If you intend to become a door and window agent, you may give priority to famous wooden doors. It is understood that the famous wooden door investment agency model is mature and offers a lot of discounts. Next, let's take a look at the conditions for joining famous wooden doors with Xiao Bian!

Basic information of famous wooden door joining

basic investment: 100000-300000

number of stores: 100-300

brand name: Famous wooden door

brand creation Time: 2006

joining agent area: blank area nationwide

suitable for people: self-employment


(Image Source: Famous wooden door official website, invasion and deletion)

advantages of joining famous wooden doors

1. Brand authorization and use:

gain the right to operate the brand in the Agency area, and enhance the influence and appeal of shops with the help of the promotion of enterprises.

2. Regional protection:

there is no cross reset in the business area.

3. Store brand image:

provide standard store design and decoration schemes to form a unified terminal brand image.

4. Business Coaching Training:

provide shopping guide, Business Guide and service training for franchisees.

5. Store management and operation support:

provide Leading store management mode and market operation strategy support.

The above information is for reference only. Please leave a message online or call us to predict the investment policy of famous wooden doors.


(Image Source: Famous wooden door official website, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Famous wooden door official website, invasion and deletion)

well, the above is the introduction of the relevant information about the joining of famous wooden doors. I believe everyone has a preliminary understanding of how to join famous wooden doors. Friends who predict more details can browse the website information, or call us for consultation!