What Are the Common Types of Door and Window Glass? Introduction

The origin of glass the glass in nature was originally solidified by the acid rock emitted by the volcano, but the first glass known to human beings was synthesized and developed by people accidentally when cooking. More than 3000

origin of glass

the glass in nature was initially solidified by the acid rock emitted by volcanoes, but the first glass known to human beings was synthesized and developed by people accidentally when cooking.

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More than 3,000 years ago, a European Phoenician merchant ship, loaded with crystal mineral "Natural Soda", sailed on the Berus River along the Mediterranean coast. Due to the ebb of sea water, the merchant ship ran aground. As a result, the crew boarded the beach one after another. Some of the crew also carried the cauldron, moved firewood, and used several "Natural Soda" as the support of the cauldron to cook on the beach. After the crew had finished their meal, the tide began to rise. When they were preparing to pack up and board the ship to continue sailing, someone suddenly shouted, "Come and see, there are some glittering and translucent sand under the pot, shining things!". The crew took these shining things to the ship and studied them carefully. They found that there were some quartz sand and melted Natural Soda on these shiny things. Under the action of flame, amorphous materials produced by chemical reaction with quartz sand on the beach, this is the earliest glass. Later, Phoenicians combined quartz sand with natural soda, and then melted it with a special stove to make glass balls, which made Phoenicians make a fortune.

Glass has experienced thousands of years of development, from the "glittering, translucent and sparkling things" originally discovered by Phoenicians to the simple glassware made by the ancient Egyptians, then to cherish wearing ornament and expensive court tribute, until it becomes the important stuff component in modern society.

Common glass types for doors and windows

tempered glass

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tempered glass is heated to the vicinity of softening point through float glass within toughening furnace, and then cooled it quickly and evenly, forming uniform compressive stress on its surface to improve its mechanical strength, effectively improve the wind pressure resistance and impact resistance of glass, improve the thermal shock resistance of glass, and make tempered glass have good physical properties, making it one of the standard configurations of shangzhe system door and window glass.

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Performance Characteristics of tempered glass:

1. Safety: when damaged by external force, the glass will be broken into small particles with obtuse angle similar to Honeycomb, which is not easy to cause serious harm to human body, however, the sharp large flake fragments when ordinary glass is broken can easily cause serious harm to human body.

2. High strength: 3-5 times higher than ordinary glass with the same thickness.

3. Stable heat resistance: it has good thermal stability, can withstand about 3 times the temperature of ordinary glass with the same thickness, and can withstand temperature changes of 200℃.

Hollow glass

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hollow glass is made of two or more pieces of glass, and the glass is bonded with aluminum alloy frame containing desiccant by using high-strength air-tightness composite adhesive. It is made of high-efficiency sound insulation and heat insulation glass, and has good sound insulation, heat insulation, heat insulation, features such as dew and fog. The good energy-saving performance of hollow glass makes it one of the standard configurations of doors and windows of Shang Zhe system.

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Performance Characteristics of hollow glass:

1. Sound insulation performance: hollow glass is an ideal noise insulation material, which can generally reduce the noise by 30 decibels.

2. Thermal insulation performance: it can effectively reduce the heat transfer coefficient u value,

3. Anti-condensation and fogging performance: Due to filling enough desiccant in the spacing strip of hollow glass, it can effectively absorb the water vapor that may penetrate into the inner cavity and the outside world, ensure that the air in the hollow glass cavity is absolutely dry, therefore, it has good anti-condensation and fog performance.

Laminated glass

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Laminated glass is a composite glass made of tough polyvinyl butyral film (PVB) between two pieces of glass or multiple pieces of glass. Due to the very good toughness of PVB film, when laminated glass is broken by powerful impact, the film will absorb a lot of punching skills and rapidly decay, because laminated glass is difficult to be broken, even if laminated glass is broken, glass fragments are basically attached to the film, keeping the whole piece of laminated glass fragments from falling off, so it becomes a real "safety glass".

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Performance Characteristics of laminated glass:

1. Safety: the laminated glass installed on the building receives any external impact force, even if the glass is broken, it can be completely kept in the original frame, and it also has a certain function of preventing wind and rain.

2. UV protection: it can greatly block ultraviolet rays in sunlight (up to 99%) and avoid ultraviolet radiation.

3. Bullet-proof and explosion-proof: multi-layer laminated glass can be used to produce various levels of bullet-proof and explosion-proof glass.

4. Security use: because it is impossible to use a glass knife to effectively cut the installed laminated glass, it takes a long time to break down the laminated glass with other tools and the sound is loud, therefore, it is difficult to enter the room by cutting or breaking laminated glass and it is easy to be found, which has a strong resistance to malignant vitrization, theft and violence.

LOW-E glass

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LOW-E glass, also known as low-radiation coated glass, is a series of film products composed of multi-layer metal or other compounds plated on the glass surface. It can reflect the heat from the heating, household appliances and human body back to the room in winter, and reduce the conduction of the glass itself, thus greatly reducing the heat loss, in summer, it can reduce outdoor heat radiation to the room and play a good role in heat insulation. Therefore, the film layer of LOW-E glass of shangzhe doors and windows can block the heat transfer formed by indoor infrared radiation, it has high reflectivity to COSCO infrared ray and excellent heat insulation performance.

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Features of LOW-E glass:

1. Effectively improve the visible light transmission rate, ground reflection rate, low radiation rate and lighting range. The light quality is soft, which can avoid the generation of light pollution and create a good ecological environment.

2. Effectively control solar radiation, block the infrared radiation from the Middle and Far Away, and the heat transfer coefficient U value is low, which enhances the heat insulation performance and has good heat preservation and energy saving effect.

3. Effectively block ultraviolet light transmission to prevent fading of indoor furniture, fabrics and artworks.

The glass used for doors and windows of shangzhe system is tempered insulation glass, and it can realize various specifications and sizes according to customer requirements. It can also be replaced by laminated glass, Low-E glass, etc. Aluminum spacer can be bent and formed at one time. High efficiency Butyl Rubber. Polysulfide glue ensures the air tightness of glass.