Entry Door What Color Is the Most Auspicious? What Are the Geomancy of Entry Door Colors?

In our country, most people attach great importance to the Feng Shui of houses, especially in the aspect of decoration, the choice of materials and colors is very exquisite. Let's talk about what color is the most auspicious and which color is not suitable for entry door.

In our country, most people attach great importance to the Feng Shui of houses, especially in the aspect of decoration, the choice of materials and colors is very exquisite. Let's talk about what color is the most auspicious and which color is not suitable for entry door.

1. Entry door which colors are taboo?

1. Black

the black color is too heavy, giving people a feeling of depression and heaviness. The black feng shui is not conducive to hiding the wind and getting angry, revealing the lifeless atmosphere. It is not suitable to recruit good luck. Over time, it affects the family fortune and is not conducive to creating a harmonious family atmosphere.

2. Red

the bright red color tends to make family members impetuous and quarrel with each other endlessly, affecting family relations. In addition, it is difficult to attract luck, so black and big red are taboo for the door color.

3. Dark Blue

this kind of color belongs to the negative color, which will breed depression and depression. It is easy to recruit Yin Qi and disease, and there are signs of wealth breaking.


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4. Khaki

the two fierce stars, the two evil stars of the second black and the five yellow evil stars, both belong to the soil. When these two flying stars fly to the gate, the color of the gate also belongs to soil, which increases the role of fierce stars. It is easy to affect the health of family members, so it is not suitable to use khaki doors.

2. What are the geomancy of entry door colors?

The color of entry door is best not to match the five elements of the homeowner:

1. Golden Life

the color of the gate should be white, gold, silver, cyan, green, yellow and brown. Do not use the color of fire.

2. Wooden life

the color of the gate should be cyan, green, yellow, brown, gray and blue, and the color of gold life should not be used.

3. Water life

the color of the gate should be gray, blue, red, orange, white, gold, and silver. Do not use the color of the Earth.


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4. Fire life

the color of the gate should be red, orange, white, gold, silver, cyan and green. Do not use the color of water life.

5. Earth life

the color of the gate should be yellow, brown, gray, blue, red, orange and purple, and the color of wood life should not be used.

The color of entry door is right, and it may bring you fortune! Let you harmony at home brings prosperity. If you are interested, try changing the color of the door to the above.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)