How about Buyang Security Door? How to Choose the Security Door?

There are four anti-theft levels of anti-theft doors, namely: a, B, c and d. And how these levels of security doors are distinguished from the surface. Today, let's talk about whether to change our own security door or not? What kind of anti-theft door brands are available, such as how about Buyang anti-theft door. I believe you will have a certain understanding of how to choose security doors and related knowledge after reading them.

Do you really know how to choose the security door in the last issue? This article gives a brief introduction to the security door level, I know that many merchants in the market will also sell ordinary the metal door in the name of "anti-pry door", "safety door", "pure copper door" and so on!

Steel door the appearance is very similar to the security door. If it just looks like it, it is easy to be confused. There are also various the metal door (such as copper door) under the banner of import. If they do not meet the requirements of GB national standard, they are not actually anti-theft doors 」.

There are four anti-theft levels of anti-theft doors, namely: a, B, c and d. And how these levels of security doors are distinguished from the surface. Today, let's talk about whether to change our own security door or not? What kind of anti-theft door brands are available, such as how about Buyang anti-theft door. I believe you will have a certain understanding of how to choose security doors and related knowledge after reading them.

Do you want to change the door or not?

The anti-theft level of the anti-theft door includes four levels: a, B, c, and satin grade, which seem to be very low...... But actually it is not.

At least, grade C and satin grade still belong to the security door, which is much better than many ordinary steel door!

There are some statements: new houses must be changed......

My opinion is just the opposite: in fact, a new house does not have to be changed!

What is the situation that needs to be changed? I summarized 4 situations!

1) Check whether it is a security door or not. If it is not, you can change it.

Identify whether it is a security door. The above has taught you a trick:

check whether there is a "Methyl ethyl propylene" sign on the side of the door.

Although some ordinary doors may stamp themselves, this situation is relatively rare when developers deliver them.

After all, ordinary doors can also be handed over. You have to fake anti-theft doors. Once exposed, you may die miserably!

Don't forget, this is the national standard ~

as long as there is no such sign, you can basically confirm that this is not a security door.

In addition, there are several tips for distinguishing:

a. Weight. Anti-theft door is relatively heavy due to the large thickness of steel plate and complicated process.

B. Lock point. The surrounding Lock points are generally not less than 6 (including up and down).

c. Knock. Knock and see if the door sounds like a drum, or the sound is very low. The sound is loud, which means the vibration is big, either the steel plate is thin or the craft is poor.

If the above three phenomena exist, but they are still covered with stamps, then this door may be a "cottage 」.


▲ the internal use of "honeycomb paper" is a hidden rule in the security door industry. Although the actual harm is not as terrible as it seems, it should be upgraded with a metal honeycomb!

If you are not using anti-theft doors or fake anti-theft doors, it is worth changing a Class A anti-theft door!

However, you still need to prompt at the same time:

even if it is not a security door, the actual door change rate is actually less than 50%, and there are few security problems that have not been changed.

2) if it is grade C and satin grade, you can change it or not.

First, let's list the differences between the "burglary resistant safety door" of the anti-theft level of several anti-theft doors:

class A: The anti-external damage time should not be less than 30 minutes, and the thickness of door body steel of Class A anti-theft door must be 2mm.

Class B: the anti-external damage time must not be less than 15 minutes, and the thickness of door body steel of Class B anti-theft door must be 2mm.

Grade C: The anti-external damage time should not be less than 10 minutes, and the thickness of door body steel of grade C security door must be 1.8mm.

Satin grade: the anti-external damage time shall not be less than 6 minutes, and the thickness of satin grade steel of the door body security door must be 1.5mm.

"Anti-damage time" refers to that no matter what form of abnormal opening means the outside world uses, the security door cannot be opened within XX minutes, you cannot open the security door by destroying the steel door body......

Of course, I think this is a routine. I can't stand a C4 bomb......

However, you can still understand:

even if the anti-theft level of the anti-theft door is satin grade, it is impossible to break it without making any movement!

From satin grade to grade A, of course there is progress.

However, personally, progress is actually very limited!

It's OK to change or not, not right or wrong!

3) investigate the city where the theft is "breaking the door and entering 」.

According to the news related to my tracking over the years, it is very rare to destroy entry door.

The vast majority of burglary or robbery are either "picking the lock" or opening the door by acquaintances.

But anyone who has a little brain, basically will not choose "break in 」!

Those who will choose "break-in" are basically the following:


unless, what you want to block is not bad people, but police and firemen, otherwise, ordinary security doors are enough!

4) If you know "security door is not the best", will you not sleep?

In addition to the "real world" anti-theft, the anti-theft door can also give residents a "virtual sense of security 」.

Although there are not many such cases, the friends I know do have this:

as long as you think that your doors and windows may not be safe enough, you can't sleep......

If this is the case for you, then...... Change the class a security door!


Sleep well, more important than these thousands of dollars!

3. How to choose anti-theft door-anti-theft door brand

in fact, there are not many security door brands for ordinary consumers.

As mentioned above, even if developers do a relatively poor steel door, the actual door change rate is not high and the market space is limited.

Therefore, more door factories are more willing to cooperate with developers directly. The key point of technology research and development is not how to make the door better, but how to save costs as much as possible......

However, there are also some consumer-oriented security doors, such as Wang Li, Panpan and Buyang.

The coverage of these three brands is very large, and the market popularity is relatively high (especially the first two)!

I have checked the online sales of these brands before and found that the general style is relatively old and the price is slightly expensive.

For me, spending more than 3,000 yuan for a brand anti-theft door that looks old-fashioned and old-fashioned, really can't raise any interest......

However, some new changes have been discovered recently and shared with you.

Let's look at three products:

1) How about Buyang security door

1. The key and lock are the main anti-theft door. The anti-theft door brand buyang anti-theft door is a special anti-theft lock that has passed the inspection of the ministry of public security. It is the best B- level lock in the anti-theft door and uses three-position locks.

2. Anti-theft door brand Buyang anti-theft door has better anti-theft performance and safety performance than general anti-theft door. Buyang anti-theft door is strong and durable, and its material characteristics also make it have gorgeous color, plus pattern decorations, etc, it reveals magnificent luxury temperament.


2) Panpan security door


not to mention the popularity, most people should know.

By holding the Asian Games for the first time in that year, China became famous at one stroke!

Compared with before, Panpan also introduced a new generation of fingerprint lock products in the security door system, which is a bright spot.

However, the price of fingerprint lock is a bit too high...... At this price, it seems that it is better to buy one alone!

3) firm anti-theft door


I have been paying attention to Tmall stores since I was firm. It has always been quite distinctive.

It is not a traditional security brand, but there are many highlights.

Two of them attract me:

a. Not only solve the problem of the door, but also solve the problem of cat's eye and door lock.

B. Black, sapphire blue, pure white and other colors are available, and the style is younger and more lively, without twilight!

Class A anti-theft door upgrade cat eye upgrade door lock = 2999 yuan, I think it is very cost-effective!

The above is about whether to change your own security door or not? What kind of anti-theft door brands are available, such as the introduction of Buyang anti-theft door. After reading, do you have a certain understanding of how to choose security doors and related knowledge?

(Graphic Source: single Yi Zhi Hu, invasion and deletion)