Door and Window Stickers Can't Be Torn off for Too Long. What Should I Do? Collect These Methods Quickly!

If there are children in the family, they may encounter children who stick some good-looking stickers on doors and windows. After a long time, these stickers cannot be torn off. Today, I will share with you how to tear off these "stubborn" stickers.

Children at home may encounter children who stick some good-looking stickers on doors and windows, or put many stickers on doors and windows during the new year. After a long time, these stickers can't be torn off. Today, I will share with you how to tear off these "stubborn" stickers.

Ironing method: cover the old paper with wet cloth first. It is best to twist the wet cloth squeezed out of water first and iron it with the usual iron, the paper attached to the wall will be easily removed.

Dry wet: Use sponge dipped in water to wet the wallpaper, and then slowly remove it.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

other methods include: use an eraser to rub off a lot of marks, like transparent tape marks. Try to rub slowly, repeatedly rub more and then it can fall off. It should be noted that basically colored parts that are easy to fade may also rub off, so use them carefully.

If the long-time impression is long, then the offset printing will be very hard and firm. In this case, you can use a towel to wet warm water to gently cover the offset printing, and take off the wet towel later. Just wipe it slowly. It should be noted that if it is something that is afraid of wet such as walls, it is not recommended to use this method, and it is easy to leave stains.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

have you learned these simple methods? With these skills, there is no need to worry about what to do if door and window stickers cannot be torn off for too long.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)