How to Resolve Entry Door Pairs of Elevator Doors? What Are the Methods?

The elevator door facing entry door is a bad feng shui pattern, which is also called "opening evil". In the wind and water, it is a bad situation for wealth and family affairs. Let's talk about how to resolve it.

The elevator door facing entry door is a bad feng shui pattern, which is also called "opening evil". In the wind and water, it is a bad situation for wealth and family affairs. Let's talk about how to resolve it.


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1. Hanging door curtain

if the elevator door faces the entry door, it will form a serious pattern, which will do no harm to the fortune and feng shui at home and even cause damage to human health. Therefore, the curtain can be hung on the entry door, which not only has the effect of beautifying the home environment, but also can prevent the outdoor evil from entering the home.

2. Place the carpet

there is also a relatively simple way to resolve the elevator door facing entry door, that is, to place a carpet in front of the door, this method can directly dissolve the evil gas coming out of the elevator door, and there are guests visiting, you can also remove stains and dust from shoes on the carpet.

3. Hanging mirror at the entrance

hanging a mirror at the entrance within entry door is also an effective methods of resolution. Using the reflection principle of the mirror surface, the evil air coming out of the elevator is reflected back. In addition, hanging a mirror at the entrance can also make it convenient for family members to arrange the appearance and instrument when traveling.

4. Place feng shui resolve evil spirit copper ruler

the elevator belongs to the soil. In order not to want this kind of anger to come in, we can place a Feng Shui resolve evil spirit copper ruler under the door sill of the gate, and use the power of native gold to vent the aura. We can also consider placing a "black om mani peme hung mantra Tower" beside the gate to balance the disordered magnetic field between the door and the elevator through the magnetic field released by obsidian.


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the above is about how to resolve entry door pairs of elevator doors. I hope it can help you.

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