Summary of Sales Skills and Terms for Doors and Windows

From Baidu know reports:

First, when selling goods, you should give the customer a choice, give him two choices and give him good advice. Even if the customer says no, you also want to say that I feel that suits you.
Second, even if the customer really doesn't buy it, he should ask him again if he wants it;
Third, picky is a good customer. Let the customer pick faults, and then ask the customer what the product should be like. Don't argue with the customer;
Fourth, price is not the only factor that affects customers' purchase;
Fifth, let customers try, then they can find the need;
Sixth, after the transaction, do not forget to tell the customer that there is a need to come next time;
Seventh, considerate customers, ready to meet the needs of customers and even prospective customers at any time;
Eighth, remember the names of old customers.

Reports from Aowei doors and windows:

1. It is the basis for realizing the transaction to fully mature the product content.

Excellent sales skills are not fancy "tricks", but happy expressions based on well-done product content. Obviously, if a salesperson knows nothing about his own products or knows little about them, and only relies on the so-called "sales skills" to face customers, as a result, the content about products is difficult to answer or meet the needs of customers. Then, the purely formal "sales skills" are just like a piece of waste paper with little use.

Obviously, excellent sales skills are first of all to be well-cooked in terms of product content, especially product features, product selling points, product functions, product differences, etc., and to form concise and clear sales statements, only in this way can customers be well guided to buy, or "see the recruitment and removal" for customers' problems, so as to meet customers' real needs. Obviously, the sales staff cooked the product content thoroughly, which is the basis for achieving sales transactions.

2. Perfectly release the essence of the brand to satisfy consumers

Obviously, in addition to product quality, characteristics and selling points, customers are also very elegant about brands. If you represent a well-known domestic security door brand, you don't have to worry about this. Brand doors and windows advertising investment, brand influence, to achieve a certain publicity effect. However, the brand awareness of the products sold by a large number of distributors is not high. In view of this realistic reason, distributors and sales staff should mainly promote distinctive products, and the brand that can satisfy them will reach a deal.

Therefore, Shengtian smart doors and windows remind you that dealer friends and sales staff should show their brand image, brand positioning, brand characteristics and brand advantages to consumers, perfectly release the essence of the brand, making customers feel that this brand is trustworthy and choice. Then, it is not difficult to deal with sales.

3. Reasonably "meet" the real needs of consumers

The process of product sales is a process of mutual competition between psychology and psychology. Obviously, if distributors and sales staff want to achieve excellent sales performance, they must fully grasp the customer's psychology-through observing and observing, they must understand the customer's ideas, needs, hobbies, preferences, purposes, etc, so as to guide customers to understand and pay attention to the products, and reasonably "meet" the real needs of customers. In this way, the sales transaction will follow suit. Obviously, this requires a large number of distributors and sales personnel to use it freely or reach a perfect state through long-term actual combat.

4. Willing to communicate with consumers and greet them properly

Through the efforts of the above three aspects, door and window dealers and sales staff will face customers and conduct actual sales operations. Obviously, when customers enter the store and greet them, it is the first job to do for sales transactions. Then, how can distributors and sales staff say hello properly so as to make customers satisfied and willing to communicate instead of disgusted? For this, distributors and sales personnel can watch specific goods, touch the goods, show the status of looking for goods, meet the customer's sight, when customers talk with their peers, they will be welcomed by customers when they go to greet customers face to face and close, and have pleasant communication. Distributors and sales staff must keep this in mind.

5. Identify the real needs of customers and achieve happy transactions

Sales is an art that requires fine painting and carving for customers' consumption needs. Therefore, door and window dealers should practice their eyes and eyes, know how to observe and observe, and accurately identify the real needs of customers. Obviously, only by accurately grasping the consumer demand of customers can we meet the real needs of customers and finally achieve a happy transaction. So, how can the majority of distributors and sales staff identify and grasp the real needs of customers?

There are three main methods: first, listen carefully to customers' needs or opinions so as to know their real shopping needs; Second, ask customers' needs in due time, this point needs to be put forward directly when the salesperson communicates with the customer happily, and the effect will be very good. The third is to analyze the customer's shopping motivation, for example, because the price is economical, the product is comfortable, excellent functions, increased personal attraction, attracted by advertisements, convenient use, economical and practical, etc. This requires distributors and sales personnel to continuously test, study and summarize in the actual sales process, so as to grasp it in place and do it better.

6. Avoid inappropriate and wrong ways of speaking in communication

When introducing products to customers, distributors and sales personnel should introduce products to customers with great emotion. In particular, we should avoid some inappropriate and wrong ways of speaking. Adopting affirmative answers, guiding and praising, the transaction probability of product sales is very high. It can be seen from this that adopting positive, praising, guiding and passionate product introduction will make customers happier to buy, thus realizing the transaction of sales.

7. Encourage experience products in a timely manner to increase customers' purchasing desire

There is no doubt that when the salesperson basically determines the customer's interest point and target goods, it is necessary to encourage the customer to touch and experience the products according to the actual situation of the goods and increase the customer's purchasing desire. Obviously, it is easier for customers to experience more and satisfy customers, thus greatly improving the transaction probability of sales. Therefore, distributors and sales staff should encourage customers to touch or experience products.

8. Introduce some matching products to consumers in a timely manner

This is easy to do, because when customers are sure to buy a certain product, the sales staff can introduce some matching products to them in time, and most customers will be happy to buy it. If customers buy security doors, they can introduce intelligent fingerprint lock or aluminum alloy bathroom door series products, so that customers can refer to or give some discounts appropriately.

9. Seize the opportunity of the transaction in time and realize the transaction decisively

When customers deeply understand, study or try on a certain product, distributors and sales staff should seize the opportunity in time to realize the transaction decisively. There are many methods, such as alternative: do you choose xx or xx? Another example: our promotion is the last day today. Another example is to bravely propose a method: Do you need to wrap this up? Wait. Distributors and sales personnel must know how to observe and observe, correctly grasp customers' needs, and timely and decisively realize sales transactions.

10. If the transaction is completed, talk to the customer with a smile

Distributors and sales staff should understand that sending customers away is both the end of one sale and the beginning of the next successful sale. Therefore, no matter whether the customer is shopping or not, the distributor and the sales staff should say goodbye to the customer sincerely and with a smile. At the same time, customers can be informed of new trends related to companies or products, such as when new products will arrive in our store and when we will do activities, so as to prompt customers to buy again.

Of course, in addition to learning the theoretical knowledge of sales skills, door and window dealers and sales staff also need long-term practical training, and constantly learn, ponder, improvement and promotion.

Reports from Fulinmen doors and windows:

1. Too few orders in hand

There is a funnel rule for selling, that is, the more customers you want to deal with, the larger the filler cap is, that is, the larger the order is.

There are roughly three reasons why there are no customers in the door and window sales: the priority is not knowing where to develop customers, the second is not knowing who are potential customers, and the third is too lazy to develop customers.

2. Too many excuses to complain

A big taboo in sales is to complain. Although many doors and windows are sold in the wind and rain, there are no orders for doors and windows every day. I didn't find the reason for myself. I complained about this complaint every day and attributed the main reason to the objective aspect, such as the lack of sincerity of customers and the high requirements of customers.

Be sure to remember that picky customers are actually prospective customers. Do you think they will make a deal with us if there is no response? The main reason for selling is yourself. You must find the real reason why there is no deal.

3. Too strong dependency

This kind of sales mainly focuses on objective factors and likes to rely on some basic conditions provided by the company. For example, some sales go out to the community and like to rely on superior leaders. When doing activity marketing in the community, I don't know how to act by chance, which is difficult to grow.

For example, a new door and window sales, follow the mature marketing supervisor to do promotions in the community, and leave yourself alone in front of the booth after lunch. In less than 10 minutes, several potential customers came. When a door and window sales began to take responsibility at this time, they would find themselves growing rapidly and their performance would grow rapidly!

4. No sense of pride at work

Any job that you want to do well needs to be done as an interest and hobby. If a salesman only regards sales as completing the task, how can he sell well?

We find that the world's best seller, such as Joe Girard, who sells cars, has a sense of honor and pride in every car he sells, and it should be the same as selling doors and windows.

5. Failure to abide by the promise

There are a lot of sales with poor performance, and they all have a characteristic that they easily promise customers, but they fail to abide by their commitments. This is very important. In fact, sometimes customers only need a feeling of being valued. Sometimes due to our own ability problems, we may not meet the customer's requirements in some aspects, but as long as you have a good attitude, the customer will easily remember you.

Sometimes a lot of doors and windows sales promise customers today and forget everything tomorrow. This is a big killer who loses potential customers.

6. Give up halfway

Following up a customer is just like boiling water. You need to win the customer until the transaction is completed. However, many sales will be abandoned halfway. Of course, there will inevitably be some obstacles in this process. As long as we stick to it, there will be good results.

Selling is a marathon. It is difficult to succeed just by our impulse.

7. Not enough care for customers

From knowing a potential customer to making a deal with the customer, it is very important to have a good relationship with the customer and find out the psychological needs of the customer. Only when you find the demand correctly and know the customer's psychology well can you grasp the right time and act until the transaction is made at the right time.

Reports from meizhixuan doors and windows:

1. Provide value

Let the customer enjoy the value you provide, and then collect the return I ask you, unless you can give the customer 10 times the value, you are eligible to charge 1 times the return.

2. Store location

The choice of store location is directly related to the performance of people flow and store sales. The higher the front position in large stores is more beneficial to store sales. Each industry has a centralized market and different positions from far to near, it is very important to prepare in advance.

3. Door image

The design of door head is the first place in terminal design. Door image is the price tag of the whole brand and terminal image, and is the best advertising space for brand communication.

4. Service process

The terminal should have a good design service process. If its own design service cannot grasp the customer's heart, it is likely to drain the customer.

5. Appropriate promotion

Promotion is only to increase the atmosphere and customers. Promotion of doors and windows is one of the main factors to increase consumers' consumption desire.

6. Stimulate curiosity

If your door and window products, or your description of the products, can stimulate the curiosity of customers, then you don't have to worry about sales any more.

7. Build word of mouth

Doors and windows are an industry built by word of mouth, which is one of the most important communication forms in the door and window industry for many years.

8. Marketing test

Untested door and window marketing is a failed marketing. You must take some time to test it before starting a door and window marketing strategy.

9. Business System

The business division system of brand terminal sales is necessary for business expansion. The proportion expectation and execution level of each business type must be established to standardize the expansion capability of terminal business.

10. Marketing mechanism

Set up a good reception or marketing mechanism. Reception or marketing personnel are the first barrier for any store. The ability of reception or marketing personnel directly affects the transaction rate of the store.

11. After-sales service

After-sales service represents the brand's commitment to customers, the brand's integrity and strength, and the dealer's humanity and business ethics. It is the most important part to increase the added value of the store.

12. Pay attention to contacts

The whole network of doors and windows brand is collectively referred to as contacts, which focuses on public relations ability and customer management ability. Every salesperson must have his own system, able to serve the required customers in a very timely manner.

13. Advertising strategy

Different advertising strategies should also be formulated in different periods, which are mainly divided into two categories: one is visual advertising; Instead, sales-type advertising should formulate effective strategies according to different periods and change them in time.

The combination of tradition and network in the door and window industry is also a popular trend, so dealers must grasp the current merchants, sales methods and skills, in this way, one's own brand will take a superhuman step and become bigger and better.

From Baidu know reports:

Sales is an organizational function and procedure that creates, communicates and transmits value to customers, and manages customer relationships so as to benefit organizations and their stakeholders. Sales is the process of introducing the benefits provided by commodities to meet the specific needs of customers. Of course, commodities include tangible commodities and intangible services attached to them. Meeting customers' specific needs means that customers' specific desires are satisfied or customers' specific problems are solved. What can meet the specific needs of customers depends on the special benefits provided by commodities.

As for the sales of doors and windows, I don't know whether you are factory direct sales or retail. I can't talk about any skills. I can only talk about my personal opinion!

The first choice is to know the competitors of the surrounding peers, the prices of the same products in the market, the brand advantages and reputation of their own products, and after-sales service!

How to find customer groups:

One. Online: Online advertising promotion is now the Internet era. Network communication information is the fastest and lowest cost channel. You can publish some product information advertisements on various websites in cities covered by your business!

II. Offline: 1. Scattered customers and their own connections around; 2. Go to the residential property and the guard to have a good relationship (as for how to have a good relationship, I don't need to say more) they are the group most likely to introduce customers to you in the community; 3. You can go to the decoration company to run. If you can cooperate, then this is your long-term customer;