Puttying First Or Door Set First? Master, Let Me Tell You!

As we all know, there are many processes in decoration, and everyone thinks differently, but it often causes some disputes, such as puttying first or installing door set first?

As we all know, there are many processes in decoration, and everyone thinks differently, but it often causes some disputes, such as puttying first or installing door set first? So what order is right? On this question, the old masters in the industry have the most right to answer! Let's listen to what the old master said!


(Image from: Network, invasion and deletion)

1. Puttying first or install the door first

if you do paint door by yourself, we recommend that you install the door first, because if you accidentally encounter some minor defects when installing paint door, you need to use putty to fill them up, and some paint doors, if you choose puttying first, some of them will be attached to the wall accidentally when painting, which makes it very troublesome to deal with it again later. Puttying first or install the door first? Simply put, if you choose carpentry to paint the door, it is recommended to install the door first; If the manufacturer customizes the door with door set, it is recommended to puttying first, so that door set and the door will not be damaged.


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II. Precautions for door installation

1. Preparation tools: hammer, ruler, rope, pencil, door set, connector, etc.

2. After installing the door side line, it needs to wait 2-3 hours for Styrofoam curing. Then the triangle on the cover board is folded.


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3. If smudges are found on the facade, it is better to use professional maintenance solution and then wipe it with a soft cloth to prolong the service life of the wooden door.

4. Place good wooden bricks, then coat the wooden bricks with specialized glue, and then fix the wooden bricks with the cover board with small nails.


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III. Puttying precautions

1. If the coating is too thick, the putty may shrink too much, resulting in the phenomenon of cracking and falling off in the later stage of the wall. According to the characteristics of different putty, the thickness is preferably about 0.5-1mm.

2. During construction, do not scratch and apply repeatedly, otherwise there will be the phenomenon of rolling and glue falling. Clean the surrounding putty to minimize putty marks.


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3. When operating, pay attention to the inclination of the tool, and use even force to ensure the Putty is full.

4. When the base layer has strong absorbency, it is better to seal it with primer before puttying to avoid sizing materials contained in putty being absorbed by the base layer, resulting in poor adhesion of putty.

Decoration is a very difficult thing. Listen to the words of professionals and don't follow the trend blindly! To create a beautiful and warm home!

(Article from: Network, invasion and deletion)