Building a Community of Destiny in Wooden Door Industry 2020 Executive Vice President Meeting of Wooden Door Technology Alliance Ended Successfully

On July 6, the executive vice president meeting of China wooden door technology alliance ended in Guangzhou. As the most valuable ideological exchange position in the wooden door industry, the annual gathering of the wooden door industry in 2020 attracted much attention and once again became the focus of the wooden door industry chain.

On July 6, the executive vice president meeting of China wooden door technology alliance ended in Guangzhou. As the most valuable ideological exchange position in the wooden door industry, the annual gathering of the wooden door industry in 2020 attracted much attention and once again became the focus of the wooden door industry chain. With the theme of "new products · new benchmark-building a community of destiny in wooden door industry", the conference gathered the wisdom of the head of the door industry, aiming to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions on the post-epidemic development of the industry under the current environment.

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In 2020, the wooden door industry was full of anxiety and confusion, from the decline in growth rate to the impact of the epidemic, from offline hardship to online weakness, from retail obstruction to project threshold improvement, from insufficient production capacity to overcapacity, from the whole category to the deep cultivation and subdivision, my "door" is in a stage of urgent need to break through and upgrade.

We have made many predictions about the difficulties to be encountered in 2020, but the occurrence of the epidemic has almost shelved all plans. In the past six months, we have broken through the past cognition of difficulties. All kinds of precautions before the year have lost the value they should have for the plan and preparation of 2020 development.

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In this regard, the participants discussed how to realize the recovery of the post-epidemic market, the Post-epidemic brand building and the industry development strategy in the second half of the year.

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U-shaped Forum: The situation has changed. Final battle in the third and fourth quarters

in fact, the smooth convening of the meeting has proved that the impact of the epidemic is gradually receding, so how to reactivate the wooden door market which has been silent for 6 months in the second half of the year? Guests attending the meeting discussed the development in the second half of 2020, shared mature experience, put forward solutions to the current problems and dilemmas, and worked together to promote the healthy development of the industry.

On the market side, the participants agreed that the third and fourth quarters would be an important moment to decide the annual operation. Especially in the third quarter, with the domestic epidemic well controlled, a large number of squeezed consumer demand will be gradually released. Although the epidemic stopped the market for a period of time, the total amount of the market has not changed. Judging from the opening trend of the real estate industry, the market is still in an upward trend.

As for the product side, meeting consumers' higher home demand has become the focus of the product development of door enterprises. The epidemic not only stimulated the further improvement of consumers' demand for health, environmental protection, safety, etc., but also the long-term social life of stay at home increased the popularity of improved decoration, which has a great impact on the functionality of products, the installation speed also requires higher requirements.

As for the business side of the door enterprises, due to the economic fluctuations in the first half of the year and the withdrawal of some small and medium-sized door enterprises, this market has become bigger. Therefore, the focus of business in the second half of the year should be to face the surging market demand and improve organizational efficiency, production efficiency, and manufacturer linkage efficiency. The development of intelligence and Informatization will still be the primary task for enterprises to improve their competitiveness in the short term.

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The field of engineering wooden doors is the representative of steady development in this year's industry, and the market-side business has hardly been affected. Moreover, with the recovery of the real estate market, the business in the second half of the year will have further development. However, the epidemic still has a certain impact on production. At the same time, the delivery cycle of real estate has also been shortened due to the epidemic. Therefore, the focus of the second half of the engineering wooden door is to improve production efficiency and meet customers' timely delivery needs.

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However, the high-end customization field quickly returned to the original development track after the short-term impact in the early stage of the epidemic. Therefore, Gao Ding's work in the second half of the year will still focus on product development and brand building, and establish its own industry status and value core in their respective subdivision fields.

Generally speaking, with the implementation of the policy of stimulating domestic demand, the domestic economy has already shown a thriving scene. In the second half of the year, the wooden door industry is not facing the market that continues to be silent, but the troubles of surging demand and insufficient productivity. In the second half of the decisive victory, the road of industry recovery was at the foot.

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The recovery of development enterprises after the epidemic of supply chain plus code industry will not be in-Trav

wooden door industry is an industry with high demand for supply chain. Whether it is substrate, auxiliary materials, hardware, paint, equipment, etc., its technological development plays a vital role in the development of the industry. In this meeting, supply chain enterprises also contribute to the development of the wooden door industry in the second half of the year, in order to achieve the rapid development of the whole industry in the second half of the year.

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At the meeting, hardware enterprises, on behalf of oupike pulley, famous door mute door lock and Yibei hardware, all launched targeted hardware products to help the development of future products of door enterprises. Whether it is a more fashionable overall solution for oupike pocket doors, a more cost-effective magnetic lock-piece door, or a standard fire-proof hardware for fire-proof doors, it is a highly targeted and practical product, it is believed that the upgrading and iteration of wooden door products will inevitably help them. Teris Senyue and zhaobang new materials also give solutions on how to break through the bottleneck of wooden door materials, especially Teris Senyue's original technology Film 2.0PETG surface layer, which solves the current pain point of wooden door products at a higher level. At the same time, Zhan Chen paint brought a series of new UV spraying products to the conference, which made White have a higher texture and made environmental protection have a better effect. As a supplier dedicated to introducing international advanced processing technology, Jintian haomai has expanded its thinking for enterprises in terms of production efficiency and reducing the number of workers.

The development of the industry cannot be separated from the cooperation and cooperation of the supply chain. At this conference, representatives of public enterprises and supply chain guests had in-depth discussions and communication many times in order to have a better start from the beginning of the industry recovery. Cutting-edge technology empowers traditional wooden doors, makes wooden door products shine new, and makes the wooden door industry full of power. 构建木门行业命运共同体 2020中国木门技术联盟常务副会长会议圆满落幕_8

Platform aggregation channels enable industry development ideas

wooden door industry usually has two branch systems, one is retail customization field and the other is engineering public installation field. With the rapid development of the industry, integrated development has become the main direction in the future. At this meeting, the alliance invited housing enterprises, installation enterprises and online and offline aggregation platforms to discuss the market extension of wooden doors.

The epidemic has promoted the popularity of the live broadcast economy, and online e-commerce has made remarkable achievements during the epidemic. So how to do it in the face of B- end e-commerce, and what opportunities are there? At the meeting, Alibaba's 1688 industrial brand stations offered a solution, that is, to do B2B business in 1688 industrial brand stations. With more than 300 buyers in the group, 1688 of the platform's overall procurement scale of more than 200 billion yuan is believed to open up ideas for the expansion of the B- end business of the door enterprise.

Industrial integration makes the combination of wooden doors and everyone's installation more and more closely. Wooden doors enter the installation enterprise to become stable partners, which requires deep communication and running-in between the two sides. At the meeting, Yaxia decoration, Huaning decoration, beautiful home and Beijing living life, as representatives of decoration enterprises, respectively discussed several aspects such as assembly-style public clothes, renovation of old houses, personalized customization, etc, this paper expounds the product demand for wooden doors, so that representatives of participating door enterprises have a clearer understanding of the integration direction of large household industry.

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At the meeting, on behalf of Sansheng real estate, real estate also expressed its views on the development trend of hardcover houses and the demand for wooden doors, believing that the future prospect of engineering wooden doors is broad, and the fine operation of real estate cannot be separated from the full help of wooden door industry.

From the single product retail of wooden doors to the thick and thin development of engineering wooden doors, and then to today's various categories, the wooden door industry presents a grand situation of flourishing flowers. How to do a good job in this big market and finally serve the end consumers is a problem that every wooden door person thinks about every day.

This conference, as the first meeting after the epidemic of wooden door industry, not only reflects the cohesion of the industry, but also reflects the spirit of industry people who are not afraid of danger and dare to explore under the changing situation. As Liu Xiaomin, the general manager of Guangzhou Exhibition Corporation of China's foreign trade, quoted Xi daoxiao Jin and said, "when it succeeds, we will join hands in the development."

(Article Source: Search door Network-public number, invasion and deletion)