Wooden Door Color Don't like How to Remedy? How to Modify the Color of Wooden Door?

When many people bought wooden doors, they liked them at first sight, so they bought them. But when I bought it home and installed it, I found that the color of the wooden door didn't match the overall home style. So how to change the color of wooden doors?

When many people bought wooden doors, they liked them at first sight, so they bought them. But when I bought it home and installed it, I found that the color of the wooden door didn't match the overall home style. So how to change the color of wooden doors?

1. How to remedy the door you don't like

1. If it is a painted door, it is relatively simple to change the original color. We can use the painted sandpaper to wipe off all the paint on the door and smooth the surface, you can choose the color you like to apply it again, and finally apply another layer of varnish to protect it.

2. If the door at home is paint-free door, there is no need to paint it. There is a kind of veneer on the market, you can choose your favorite style and color, and then stick it on the original door, which is equivalent to repackaging the door. This method is the simplest and does not need to be painting, which will not cause pollution to the environment.


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3. If it is some solid wood door, it is not allowed to paint directly, because it will damage the wooden structure. Later, if we need to change the paint again, it will cause some trouble, so we can directly skin on the wooden door, and then paint on the foundation of the veneer, in this way, the original door can be protected from damage. If you want painting, you need to polish the door, and some doors may be waxed, so you need to polish the door again, so the painting effect will be better.

4. Choose a good color at painting. Some people may choose the color on the paint bucket, but there may be some differences in color after brushing, so modulation is needed.

II. How to painting wooden doors

1. Polish the place where the paint is painted with flint glass paper first. After returning to the original shape, wet the door and polish it again with fine sandpaper. Wipe it again with mildew inhibitor, and it can be painted after it is dry.

2. Stick a little with a brush. Don't stick too much at once. Brush the paint in the order from top to bottom, from left to right. After brushing, brush the paint twice after it is dry.

3. After all the brushes are finished, wait for a few hours, then polish them with fine sandpaper, and finally wait until they are dried and polished for the second time, and then brush the paint for the third time.


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these are several ways to change the color of wooden doors. I hope everyone can buy their own satisfactory wooden doors.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)