Which Brand Is Good to Join Wooden Door? What Are the Brands of First-Line Wooden Doors?

The hot wooden door industry has always attracted a large number of investment entrepreneurs, but faced with many wooden door brands like stars, many franchisees do not know which one to choose is better, today, I will introduce several first-line wooden door brands with both strength and reputation.

The hot wooden door industry has always attracted a large number of investment entrepreneurs, but faced with many wooden door brands like stars, many franchisees do not know which one to choose is better, today, I will introduce several first-line wooden door brands with both strength and reputation.

-- TATA wooden door

TATA wooden door was founded in 1999and has been focusing on the wooden door industry for more than 20 years. It mainly focuses on silent wooden doors. In 2020, a new indoor fire door was launched, adding fire resistance on the basis of mute function, which has better product performance.


(The picture comes from the official website of TATA wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

[TATA wooden door investment support]]

1. Planning and guidance throughout the opening activities, support for large-scale marketing activities and training activities.

2. Professional design team, service team and marketing team to protect distributors.

3. Provide the store decoration design plan and send professionals to guide the decoration.

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-- Nature wooden door

nature wooden door is the only wooden door brand under Nature home furnishing group. It has four advanced domestic manufacturing bases and six base factories in Taizhou, Xuzhou, Shunde, Lankao and other places, it mainly focuses on healthy and environment-friendly water-based painted wooden doors.


(The picture comes from the official website of Nature wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

[Nature wooden door investment support]]

① you can get an opening gift package worth 2,000 yuan when joining.

② sample subsidy: The wooden doors of Class A stores are free of charge, and the wooden doors of other stores are 50% off.

③ decoration subsidy: 600/500/400 yuan/㎡ for A/B/C stores.

④ marketing assistance: priority training, priority promotion support, priority store design, priority sample production, and priority technical support.

⑤ Tmall/Jingdong/Pinduoduo/Today's Headlines/TikTok/circle of friends advertising and other e-commerce platforms are free of charge throughout the year to assist in signing a joint order with the local nature floor.

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-- 3D unpainted wooden door

from the beginning of the brand establishment, 3D paint-free wooden door has established the brand's original intention of "reverence for life and respect for health", introducing German paint-free technology, from "wooden door" to "whole house customization", A few environmental protection technologies patented by the state, "more suitable for families of children aged 0-6", are known to all.


(The picture comes from the official website of the 3D unpainted wooden door, which is invaded and deleted)

[3D unpainted wooden door joining guarantee]]

① supply guarantee-300000 square meters German intelligent factory, stable supply in 15 days.

② product guarantee-the paint-free health system of doors, walls and cabinets meets the needs of one-stop customization of the whole house.

(3) team support-more than a dozen majors such as market planning, store design, training, and display escort you.

④ shop building guarantee-the whole process of site selection, design, construction and opening takes only 28 days.

⑤ policy guarantee-0 yuan to open a store, 0 risk investment, 0 basic joining, 0 yuan Design, 0 yuan training five fostering policy guarantee 0 basic partners get started quickly.

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-- Montian wooden door

montian brand was founded in 1989, focusing on the high-end wooden door industry for 31 years. It is a national high-tech enterprise and one of the drafting units of the national standard of wooden doors and windows and the industrial standard of wooden doors, it is a member of wooden door production enterprises in the National Technical Committee for Standardization of curtain wall and wooden doors and windows, and has more than 1,400 brand specialty stores nationwide.


(The picture comes from the official website of the wooden door montian, which is invaded and deleted)

[Montian wooden door investment support]]

① terminal image support: provide store image design for free, unify decoration standards, and store sample discount.

② personnel training support: professional training during the opening of the store, 3-4 large-scale activities landing guidance training every year, store management training.

(3) market advertising support: all-round high-frequency advertising, online and offline all-round support and promotion.

④ event planning support: the headquarters provides event planning, materials and execution plans to help dealers carry out effective landing activities and improve store transformation and activity effect.

⑤ support from the operation team: professional teams carefully coach and formulate operation strategies, and quickly build the organizational structure.

⑥ performance rebate support: according to the completed sales, rebate rewards will be given to further expand the profit space.

⑦ software application support: the headquarters provides Cloud Display, cloud design, and cloud order system solutions free of charge to help store information operation.

⑧ accurate drainage support: provide online accurate customer information, cooperate with headquarters activities fission tools, and make up for offline traffic.

[Request information form] mengtian[/request information form]

which brand is good to join wooden door? TATA wooden doors, nature wooden doors, 3D unpainted wooden doors, and montian wooden doors are all first-line well-known brands in the industry. Whether it is brand strength, industry influence, or market recognition, they all belong to the forefront of the industry, the development prospect of joining is good. If you are looking for a reliable wooden door brand to join, you may as well leave a message to consult professionals. Our joining Butler will accurately recommend the right brand for you according to your situation.

(The article comes from the Internet and is invaded and deleted)