How to Resolve Entry Door Facing Bedroom Door?

Nowadays, many people not only pay attention to the beauty and comfort of the home environment, but also attach great importance to feng shui when decorating houses. Whether buying a house or the layout of the house, or paying attention to feng shui, in order to avoid adverse effects on residents. I believe many people will have such a question: Is entry door facing bedroom door? How to resolve this problem? Let's take a look at it together.

Nowadays, many people not only pay attention to the beauty and comfort of the home environment, but also attach great importance to feng shui when decorating houses. Whether buying a house or the layout of the house, or paying attention to feng shui, in order to avoid adverse effects on residents. I believe many people will have such a question: Is entry door facing bedroom door? How to resolve this problem? Let's take a look at it together.

入户门对着卧室门好不好 如何化解?_1

(The image is from the Internet and deleted)

entry door to bedroom door, OK

chinese traditional feng shui studies pay attention to: three taboos of doors. What are these three taboos? These three taboos are not allowed to see the stove when opening the door, the toilet when opening the door, and the bed when opening the door. Why should such a pattern be taboo? From the perspective of Feng Shui, it is "I like to rotate, and I don't want to rush straight". On entry door, the gas entered the room. The gas entering the house did not form a swing in the room and gradually dissipated. Instead, it rushed straight to the bedroom, which was extremely unfavorable to the family. Family members are prone to diseases, and they are prone to evil. The study is not smooth, and it is easy to fail. The career is not smooth and vulnerable to setbacks. If the relationship is not smooth, it is easy to provoke rotten peach blossoms.

入户门对着卧室门好不好 如何化解?_2

(The image is from the Internet and deleted)

entry door how to resolve against bedroom door

1. Change the door

the more direct method is to change the direction of the bedroom door so that bedroom door do not have to face the door, which is also the fundamental solution. Or make the bedroom door into a "invisible door". In this way, you can't see the bedroom door from the gate, and you can't enter the bedroom with bad breath.

2. Often close bedroom door

if there is no way to change the direction of the bedroom door, then the bedroom door is often closed. After the two opposite doors are closed, the flow of air flow can be reduced. In addition, the bed in the bedroom cannot face the bedroom door, and it will be more unlucky if the bed faces the door.

3. Set blocking

it is better to make a porch at the gate, which can not only gather the wealth of the living room, but also avoid the evil spirit rushing into the bedroom, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone. If you can't make a porch because of the problem of house area, you can consider placing a screen at the gate or hanging a curtain on the bedroom door.

The above is about entry door to bedroom door, I hope to help you. If you want to know more, please continue to pay attention to this site.

(The article comes from the Internet and is invaded and deleted)