What Is the Project Profit of Doors and Windows 10 Million? Prospect Analysis of 2020 Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows

What is the project profit of doors and windows 10 million? The door and window industry has always been talking about high profits. Among them, engineering projects are the favorite service of door and window families. Both distributors and distributors want to do engineering contracting, today, I will tell you what is the project profit of doors and windows 10 million, but before that, let's look at the prospect of 2020 aluminum alloy doors and windows.

What is the project profit of doors and windows 10 million? The door and window industry has always been talking about high profits. Among them, engineering projects are the favorite service of door and window families. Both distributors and distributors want to do engineering contracting, today, I will tell you what is the project profit of doors and windows 10 million, but before that, let's look at the prospect of 2020 aluminum alloy doors and windows.

Prospect Analysis of 2020 aluminum alloy doors and windows

门窗1000万的工程利润是多少?2020铝合金门窗前景分析_1(Image Source Network, invasion and deletion)

1. Look at the 2020 household industry market

-- Development trend of smart home

according to estimates, the scale of China's smart home industry is estimated to be nearly 450 billion yuan in 202020. Facing the huge market prospect, many traditional home building materials enterprises have accelerated the pace of opening up the intelligent front and have begun to get involved in the fields of intelligent kitchen, intelligent living room, intelligent balcony, intelligent doors and windows, intelligent bathroom, etc. Especially with the popularization of 5G technology, it is bound to further accelerate the two-way integration of household appliances and household appliances, making the interconnection between products easier to become a reality, therefore, the integration of household appliances will become the development trend of the industry.

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-- The demand of the younger market

consumers in our country have gradually turned to younger groups such as post-90s, and they not only have high requirements on the quality of home life, but also pursue convenient, comfortable and personalized home decoration experience, therefore, customized home furnishing will still be the next mainstream trend to meet the diversified needs of consumers.

门窗1000万的工程利润是多少?2020铝合金门窗前景分析_2(Image Source Network, invasion and deletion)

-- Promotion of customized home

data show that the scale of China's customized household industry will exceed 280 billion yuan in 2019. For the penetration rate of 60%-70% in developed countries such as the United States and South Korea, the overall penetration rate of customized home furnishing in the household industry in China is about 30%, and there is still much room for development in the future. Moreover, with the advancement of intelligent production, the production efficiency of customized household enterprises will be further improved, and the combination of personalized production and large-scale production will be realized, thus, the "what you see is what you get" that users pursue becomes a reality.

-- Development of the whole market

from the perspective of policy environment, the hardcover housing policies of local governments have been introduced one after another, and the arrival of the era of comprehensive hardcover housing has become the general trend. Complete installation is the necessary stage of transition to hardcover House, and it is an important practice for China's home decoration industry to start productization, realize the upgrading of industry efficiency, and consolidate its future survival and development foundation. It can be seen that the whole assembly will become the main product model in the future home decoration market.

If the year 2019 is a year of layout and assembly business, then in 2020, Assembly will definitely become a new arena for home improvement enterprises. While strengthening the main business, home furnishing enterprises should accelerate the expansion of new business, from single items to the whole house, and then from the whole house to the whole house.

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2. Look at the prospect of door and window industry

-- Broad prospect 5000 billion market

at present, the demand of China's door and window market is more than 0.5 billion square meters per year, which is equivalent to the usage of 4 European markets. In the future, it will still grow at an annual rate of 11%. Every year, 0.5 billion square meters of urban buildings, 0.6 billion square meters of rural buildings and 0.7 billion square meters of public buildings are completed in our country. 10% by door

windows account for 20%, accounting for 30% of the total, and there are more than 0.5 billion square meters of doors and windows market in our country every year.

[formstart-Industry Business Opportunity Analysis Report-cost07-formend]none[/formstart-Industry Business Opportunity Analysis Report-cost07-formend]

-- Doors and windows high-end positioning will receive more attention

consumers' demands and expectations for high-end door and window products are getting higher and higher. In the next few years, the market demand for doors and windows will gradually gather at the high end, and the sales volume and growth rate of high-end doors and windows products will also develop steadily.

-- Personalized customization needs become more and more obvious

A few years ago, the home market was in a downturn, but the customization industry broke into a "new world". According to public media statistics, the total amount of customization in the domestic market has reached 600-80 billion yuan every year, and the market share will increase in the future.

门窗1000万的工程利润是多少?2020铝合金门窗前景分析_4(Image Source Network, invasion and deletion)

-- Zero inventory capital turnover is short and fast

sales first and then customized production. At the beginning of the project operation, only store decoration and sample models are needed, and no inventory is required. The capital turnover is short and fast.

-- 50% higher than the profit margin of peers

the return on investment of customized doors and windows industry is as high as 40% ~ 50%, which is more profitable than other mature categories in other furniture and building materials industries.

-- High return growth rate exceeds 30%

china's custom doors and windows industry has entered a period of rapid development, and the annual compound growth rate of the industry will exceed 30%.

[formstart-brand profit space-cost02-formend]none[/formstart-brand profit space-cost02-formend]

from the Prospect Analysis of 2020 aluminum alloy doors and windows, we can know that the door and window industry is moving forward very well and the profit is also high. As for the project profit of doors and windows 10 million, it is hard to say. After all, the profit ratio of different brands is different, and different cities and projects are also different. If you want to know the local project profits, you can leave a message in the article for consultation.

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