How to Change the Handle of the Door? How to Remove the Door Handle?

The handle of the door means the door handle. Generally, the door handle is either broken or you really don't like it, so you will consider replacing it. However, many people don't know how to operate it, how to change the handle of the door? Secondly, how to remove the door handle?

The handle of the door means the door handle. Generally, the door handle is either broken or you really don't like it, so you will consider replacing it. However, many people don't know how to operate it, how to change the handle of the door? Secondly, how to remove the door handle? The following jiuzheng website will explain to you, let's see how it is done, and replace the handle you don't like.


How to change the handle of the door?

1 Remove the fixture of the door handle. There are many kinds of door handles, different manufacturers, and different methods of dismantling the handles are also different due to the different use time of the handles. The following lists several methods, which can be tried one by one in sequence:

screw method. Remove all visible screws: The screw positions near the latch plate between the two sides of the door are fixed, but the positions of other screws will be different according to the type of handle and the manufacturer. Try to find out whether there are screws on the round door handle plate or the neck of the door handle on one side of the door.

Find the hole method. If you can only see small holes on the door handle, but can't find screws or other things that can be removed, it means that the things to be removed are likely to be hidden in the small holes. Find a tool like Thumbtack to push into the small hole, and then try to pull the door handle from various directions. There is always a direction that can expose the latch plate inside, and then remove it.

Bolt method. Use a knife, screwdriver, or other narrow tool to pry open the round plate around the handle, and be careful to stand away from the door. Round plate should be easily broken, and then the thick metal plate covered by it can be clearly seen. There should be a small hole or gap on the board. Through them, you can see a latch board. After the latch board is pulled down, the whole handle will be easily disassembled.

Thread method. Use a wrench (or freehand) to rotate the round plate around the handle counterclockwise until it is loosened, and then use the hand to twist it off. Both sides of the door follow the same steps. At this time, the thread of the handle appears, and you can see the hole inside. Rotate the handle until you can see spring lock or latch in the hole. Use a screwdriver to put it in and pull the handle down, it should not be very difficult.

2 Remove the door handle. After the whole structure is loose, the handle can be removed. Remove the handles on both sides of the door and put them aside.

3 Remove the bolt lock assembly (where the door Bolt pops up). Screw out the screws of the bolt up and down, and carefully pry down the bolt lock plate with slotted screwdriver.

4 disassemble the internal structure. After the screw of the bolt lock assembly is screwed out, it can be removed from the door together with the internal structure of the whole lock. This is done! Then install the new door handle according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

How to remove the door handle?


There are two types of locks with rotating door handles, which can see fixing screws and cannot see fixing screws outside.

1. If you can see the fixing screws, first remove the fixing screws of the bolt, then remove the Bolt, then remove the screws on the baffle in the room (fastening screws will only be in the room and not outside the room), you can see the internal fastening structure, and remove it in sequence, there are special circlip in some places, which can only be removed by preparing Circlip pliers.

2. The lock of fastening screws cannot be seen outside. First, remove the screw of the bolt and the bolt. There is a small hole in the lock Rod between the handle inside the room and the door, you can buy a lock with accessories or find a pointed object by yourself. Insert it into the small hole and press the pressure edge to pull out the head of the door handle. After the rotating head is pulled out, rotate and remove the fixed metal plate of the lock Rod close to the door, then you will see two fixed screws, remove the screws and fixed iron piece, and the whole lock can be removed outside the room.

The above is how to change the handle of the door and how to remove the door handle. I believe you will have more knowledge after reading it. The content is for your reference only, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.