An Ancient Window View Picturesque Chinese Traditional Window Style Appreciation

As the lattice center of various traditional doors and windows, ancient panes mainly have practical functions, and also have the dual nature of air circulation and protection. In fact, it can completely break through the traditional Chinese design style, such as Chinese a long narrow table, lattice windows, partitions, etc., and at the same time give a new meaning. In places that need to be isolated from sight, the simple "antique shelf" can be used to distinguish, or the Chinese screen or window sill can be used. Next, let's learn about Chinese traditional windows together with the editor!

As the lattice center of various traditional doors and windows, ancient panes mainly have practical functions, and also have the dual nature of air circulation and protection. In fact, it can completely break through the traditional Chinese design style, such as Chinese a long narrow table, lattice windows, partitions, etc., and at the same time give a new meaning. In places that need to be isolated from sight, the simple "antique shelf" can be used to distinguish, or the Chinese screen or window sill can be used. Next, let's learn about Chinese traditional windows together with the editor!

I. Common styles of Chinese traditional windows

chinese traditional window styles commonly include partition board, short windows, pick windows, view windows and leaking windows.


Chinese style round window design

partition board is actually a floor-to-ceiling window. It is opened as a door and closed as a window. It consists of four parts: upper compartment, middle compartment, inner core and outer frame. The upper compartment consists of an empty window sill, which is the main body of partition board. The combination of wood strips into various grid patterns is as beautiful as exquisite paper cuts, which not only beautifies windows, but also has the functions of ventilation and lighting.

Short window, also known as half window, is located on the half wall. Its height is generally below the middle compartment of partition board. It is the original version of our modern window.

The picking window is also called closing window. The upper side is fixed and the lower side can be opened. And install support pick long hook support to make it produce slope.


Chinese style semicircle window design

horizontal window, also known as horizontal window, is installed between the upper and middle corner, forming a horizontal rectangle. The window can be opened up and down, generally not open, for lighting purposes.

The scenery window often needs the cooperation of indoor scenery to make the scenery enter the "picture frame" in the middle of the scenery window. The hollow window frame in the middle of the window has square, round, hexagonal, flower, etc. The patterns between the middle window frame and the outer window frame are also various.

Window leakage is an indispensable hole in ancient gardens to take the view outside the wall. It can block the view outside the wall from far away, and can be seen from the view outside the wall near the wall.

2. Types of traditional pane patterns

① geometric pattern

geometric patterns are commonly used decorative means on the pane, including triangle, square, Diamond, trapezoid, hexagonal, ice crack, reprint, etc., and continuously extend to square or two sides continual to border. Use horizontal, straight, oblique and curved lines to form complex and organized geometric patterns. Rhombus, rhombus and rhombus pattern is one of the traditional patterns in ancient China. It is an embellishment pattern and a regular overall pattern and geometric pattern on the right flower of doors and windows.


Chinese style casement window design drawing

② animal and plant patterns

there are dragon and phoenix, lion, magpie, bat, pine, Vine, plum, pomegranate, Ganoderma lucidum, Vine grass, carp, various flowers and so on, all of which are ancient traditional auspicious patterns. Such as "plum blossoms orchids bamboo and chrysanthemum" four gentlemen, "pine, bamboo, wintersweet" three friends, such as "boy meets girl", "magpie deng mei", "five-bat holding longevity", etc. People endow animals and plants with literary life, and also have the meaning and connotation of praying and praying for good luck.

③ character story pattern

in the Ming Dynasty, especially after Wanli, this novel with stereotyped illustrations became popular, which had an impact on the content of pane decoration art. Many story plots were based on stereotyped novels. Such as "oath of the peach garden", "mother-in-law barbed letters" and other historical stories after art processing; Also such as "aunt ma's birthday", "the immortal birthday", "three yangkai thai" and other folk legends and literary creations, profound connotation and significance


chinese Style fan-shaped window design drawing

④ auspicious character pattern

the auspicious characters commonly used by the folk in the pane pattern include "blessing", "lu", "longevity", "spring", "an", "getting champion", "samsung in the household", "Longevity test Weiqi" and "sacrifice". Character story decorations are regular script, line, grass and grass, which are natural and unrestrained. The word "fu" is one of the most changed and widely used words, which are often patterned and artistic and become an auspicious symbol.

Third, the application of Chinese traditional pane pattern in home design

indoor space is the living space on which human beings live, and it is also the internal space place of buildings where people engage in various activities. Home Space is the indoor space that is most closely related to people, so the design of home space is particularly important. We can express the style, function and emotion of indoor space by skillfully choosing and borrowing the unique artistic form of Chinese traditional pane pattern elements, create a Chinese-style decoration living environment with Chinese traditional charm.


Chinese style window design

1. Application of traditional pane pattern on wall and ground

as the lattice center of various traditional doors and windows, ancient panes mainly have practical functions, and also have the dual nature of air circulation and protection. However, today we can use various modern construction methods for artistic treatment.

Our ultimate goal is not to stick to the traditional form, and through the application of new decoration techniques, pane elements can penetrate into every indoor space, there are different styles and characteristics of home design in different times. Chinese traditional home design advocates luxury and complexity. The elaborately carved home environment shows the status and wealth of the homeowner.

Traditional rooms in our country pay great attention to the layering of space, which usually shows the beauty of Chinese household levels in modern unit houses through separation. In a single internal space, the typical Chinese space also pays great attention to "partition". The purpose of this partition is not to cut off the space, but a transition, a reminder and an instruction, the role of guiding space is often "separated and continuous".

Therefore, in fact, in the design, it can completely break through the traditional Chinese design style, such as Chinese a long narrow table, lattice windows, partitions, etc., and at the same time, it gives new meaning. In places that need to be isolated from sight, the simple "antique shelf" can be used to distinguish, or the Chinese screen or window sill can be used.

2. Application of traditional pane pattern in new materials

in modern interior design, new decoration materials are adopted to make the current living environment more comfortable; While the decoration is to create a warm and harmonious living environment and regulate people's body, mind and mood.

Material is the most important factor in interior design and one of the elements for design and expression. Different materials can use their different colors, textures and textures to create different spatial feelings; different materials can express different spatial styles, functions and emotions.

Materials are the material bearers of the space environment, and the beauty of materials can only be reflected through the combination with the space environment. Therefore, materials play an important role in interior design, and the idea of modern interior design can only be correctly expressed with materials as carriers.

At the same time, we only have a comprehensive and profound understanding of materials, master the different characteristics of materials, deeply study the different visual, psychological, emotional and other contents brought by different materials, and pay attention to texture, texture, colors and other psychological feelings brought to people, skillfully choose and use appropriate decorative materials and decorative means, use different materials to express the styles, functions and emotions of different spaces, to create unique indoor space environment.


Chinese style polygonal window design

3. Application of traditional pane pattern on ceiling

ceiling is an object used to cover the above parts of roof beams inside traditional Chinese buildings, the traditional pane pattern is now more used as a traditional decorative element and applied to the design of modern indoor space ceiling, even we can completely ignore its most basic practical value and just reconstruct it as a decorative component.

In fact, this should be based on the overall requirements of the design and the overall atmosphere of the space, to carry out a reasonable design, to interpret its artistic value and artistic connotation;

in modern interior space design, the pane is not limited by time and space, whether it appears as a pure ornament or in other forms, they all use the combination of the aesthetics of various modern decorations and traditional shapes. Each interface in the interior space can be decorated with a pane. The decoration of various carefully carved patterns on the pane even plays a finishing touch, the function of enriching space forms a rhythm contrast of "movement and quietude" with other interface decorations, and is used to arouse people's subconscious memory of traditional style.

The decoration of the traditional pane pattern, "the picture must be meaningful and the meaning must be auspicious", to some extent, reflects the values and aesthetic concepts of Chinese people. While appreciating the beauty of the pane pattern, I hope to get a kind of spiritual comfort and spiritual fulfilment.

In the design of modern indoor ceiling, the traditional Chinese pane pattern is mainly adopted, and simple symbols are extracted by using traditional Chinese elements to create a Chinese feeling, making it more national flavor and cultural connotation; with modern methods, the new Chinese style design has become a new fashion of modern home design. However, compared with the traditional Chinese classical design style, which pays more attention to the overall effect. While emphasizing the master's cultural taste and self-cultivation, it pays more attention to the comfort and randomness of life.