Master Bedroom Feng Shui Taboo What about Master Bedroom Bathroom Door Facing Bed

The influence of Bedroom Feng Shui on a person is very direct, because a person spends a quarter of his life in the bedroom. Only when the Bedroom Feng Shui is properly arranged can he bring good luck to the owner, however, many people do not pay much attention to decorating the bedroom, and the master bedroom usually designs a bathroom, today, let the website Xiao braiding know what are the feng shui taboos in the master bedroom and what to do with the door of the master bedroom bathroom facing the bed. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The influence of Bedroom Feng Shui on a person is very direct, because a person spends a quarter of his life in the bedroom. Only when the Bedroom Feng Shui is properly arranged can he bring good luck to the owner, however, many people do not pay much attention to decorating the bedroom, and the master bedroom usually designs a bathroom, today, let the website Xiao braiding know what are the feng shui taboos in the master bedroom and what to do with the door of the master bedroom bathroom facing the bed. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

What are the feng shui taboos in the master bedroom:

1. The bedroom should not be too large or too small:

if the master bedroom is too large or too small, it will affect the feng shui of the bedroom. If the master bedroom is too large or larger than the living room, the feng shui gas is easy to fade and the Yang is not enough, which will easily cause the couple's emotional discord and disputes, while the bedroom is too small, it will make people feel depressed. Over time, it will affect the host's physical health and mental mood. The bedroom should not be larger than ten squares, and the bedroom should not be smaller than three squares.

2. The bedroom should be against the wall:

the shape of the bedroom is the best square, not narrow, so it is conducive to ventilation, the bed head is best against the wall, which can give people a sense of security, bedroom door can not be straight to the kitchen door, to prevent the hot and humid gas from flowing relative to the bedroom door.

3. The master bedroom should not be equipped with fierce pendants, antiques, etc:

the master bedroom should not be decorated with ferocious hanging paintings, specimen furnishings and sharp objects, because everything has its shape and its appearance has its meaning. Therefore, if ferocious and sharp objects are placed in the master bedroom, metaphor refers to the discord between husband and wife, easy to generate disputes.

4. The master bedroom must have no windows:

too dark bedrooms or bedrooms without windows are not conducive to air convection, sunlight is not easy to enter, Yang Qi is insufficient, and Qi stagnation is not smooth, which will easily have adverse effects on the health of the host.

5. The bedroom door and the children's room door should not be right:

because the door is like a mouth, the mouth is relative, and it is easy to have the appearance of fighting, children will often suffer from disobedience. If this happens, you can make a screen entrance in the room, make the air flow in the two rooms not direct.

6. Too many plants and potted plants should not be placed in the bedroom:

according to the Feng Shui taboo and layout of the master bedroom, the potted plants in the master bedroom should be mainly small or hanging pots, the spacious bedroom can choose standing, and the smaller bedroom can choose hanging-type potted plants.

7. Heavy objects cannot be squeezed above the bedside:

the head of the bed should not be under the beam, and the ceiling should be flat. In the Feng Shui taboo and layout of the master bedroom, the beam is easy to cause people to feel heavy objects psychologically, which makes people stress and affects health and career.

Master bedroom bathroom door facing the bed do:

in fact, the main bedroom bathroom door facing the bed is not good, we can analyze from two aspects:

in the first aspect, the toilet is a place that produces moisture and peculiar smell, which is well known. Whether it is moisture or peculiar smell, it is a bad influence for the residents living in the master bedroom. You can think about it carefully, sleep on the bed at night, but there is a burst of moisture and peculiar smell coming from the bathroom door facing. This kind of living environment must be disliked by everyone.

In the second aspect, in terms of wind and water, the door of the master bedroom bathroom facing the bed is a taboo in feng shui design. In Feng Shui, the toilet is a place where filth gas is generated. However, the situation that the door of the master bedroom bathroom faces the bed is obviously not good, the dirty gas in the toilet will disperse the wealth and luck of the occupants.

Common methods of resolution of master bedroom bathroom door facing bed:

1. Change the position of the bathroom door: if it is determined that the wall of the bathroom does not belong to the bearing wall, the position of the bathroom door can be changed to open, thus avoiding the situation that the main bedroom bathroom door faces the bed.

2. Change the layout of the bed in the bedroom to avoid comparing the bed with the bathroom door.

3. Always pay attention to closing the bathroom door, which hinders the spread of moisture and peculiar smell in the bathroom to the bedroom.

4. Set a door curtain or screen at the entrance of the bathroom door. This design not only separates the bathroom door from the bed in the bedroom, but also is a good decorative item whether it is the door curtain or screen.

What are the feng shui taboos in the master bedroom and how to deal with the master bedroom bathroom door facing the bed and other related decoration knowledge are introduced here. I hope this article is helpful to you, if there is anything you don't understand, you can follow our website and we will answer it as soon as possible.